Mon, 06/02/2012 - 20:56

The CEC of South Ossetia has registered four action groups

Four action groups nominating candidates for the presidency of the Republic have been registered today at the Central Election Committee of South Ossetia. As IA "Res" has been informed at the CEC of the Republic, the action groups nominating a businessman Oleg Kozaev, chief bailiff of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of South Ossetia Sergei Bitiev, the former head of the Dzausky district Ruslan Bagaev, judo coach Inal Dzukaev as presidential candidates, received certificates of registration. "These action groups now have the right to collect the necessary 500 signatures in support of their candidates," – the CEC has explained.

Ambassador of South Ossetia to the Russian Federation Dmitry Medoev is going to contest for the presidency

Ambassador of South Ossetia to the Russian Federation Dmitry Medoev does not exclude his participation in the presidential election of South Ossetia on March 25 as one of the candidates.
According to him, he arrived in Tskhinval and held a series of consultations with representatives of various political parties and public organizations.

Roin Kozaev was eliminated from the list of candidates for president of South Ossetia

A presidential aspirant of South Ossetia, a Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce Kozaev Roin Raminovich has not passed an exam on knowing the official languages (Ossetian and Russian) of the Republic, which is a prerequisite for registration of presidential candidates. As a result of the exam, which includes a dictation and a speech on the same topic in the Ossetian and Russian languages, Kozaev got a "fail." The decision was fixed in the final minutes of the linguistic commission. On Monday, February 6, the Central Election Committee will convene a meeting and make a decision on refusal of registration Roin Kozaev as a presidential candidate. It should be noted that Roin Kozaev first of the presidential aspirants has taken an exam on the official languages qualifications. It should also be reminded, that two linguistic commissions on revealing qualifications of the state languages of the Republic of South Ossetia- Russian and Ossetian - have been created by the CEC decision.

The Communist Party of South Ossetia has nominated Stanislav Kochiev as presidential candidate

At the conference held today in Tskhinval the Communist Party of South Ossetia has nominated a party leader Stanislaw Kochiev as the candidate for president of the Republic. The decision was made by secret ballot. Out of 167 delegates of the city and district party committees, attended the conference, 155 voted for nomination of Kochiev, 4 - against.

Chairman of the Afghan Veterans Union has been nominated for president of South Ossetia

Meeting of the action group, nominating a Chairman of the Afghan Veterans Union Murat Guchmazov for president of South Ossetia has been held in Tskhinval. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Central Election Committee. The participants of the meeting unanimously voted for nomination of Guchmazov for presidential elections on March, 25.

Thu, 02/02/2012 - 11:38

Alexander Shushukin: the 4th Russian military base – is a guarantor of peace in South Ossetia

The presence of the Russian troops in South Ossetia is guarantee of peace and creation of the Republic. It has been said to journalists by the Acting President of South Ossetia Vadim Brovtsev after the solemn parade held in the territory of the fourth Russian military base in Tskhinval on the third anniversary of formation of the base. "Today we can state unequivocally that presence of the Russian troops in a territory of the Republic of South Ossetia is guarantee of peace, creation and restoration of peaceful life in our independent country", -Acting President has said. He has noted that there is friendly and trust relationship between Russian soldiers and population of South Ossetia, as well as the Russian-South Ossetian relations are in general.

Entrepreneur from the Znaur district is nominated for president of South Ossetia

The meeting of the action group for nominating an entrepreneur Rustem Dzhioev for presidential election has been held in the village of Znaur. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Central Election Committee. As reported to IA "Res" by Rustem Dzhioev, within the next few days the action group will submit the necessary documents to the CEC for registration.

Thu, 02/02/2012 - 11:22

Boxer from South Ossetia will meet in the ring with the U.S. champion among professionals

Professional boxer from South Ossetia Aslanbek Kozaev will hold regular rating fight with the champion of the United States among professionals according to the World Boxing Council (WBC) Rins Brewer. As the coach of the athlete Vitaly Slanov told IA "Res", "the fight will take place on February 18, 2012 in the U.S. city of Hammond, Indiana. Aslanbek`s opponent is 24 years old. He has won 25 out of the 26 fights. 16 of his wins are KO's. He is a serious contender with a powerful blow, - Slanov has noted. – The athletes will be boxing in the weight category 66 kg. In case of victory, our boxer will have the right to contend for the European championship according to WBC». According to Slanov, Kozaev is now being trained in Chicago.

Wed, 01/02/2012 - 12:28

The South Ossetian singers and poets will perform at the international contest

Representatives of the Union of Russian, citizens living in South Ossetia, will participate in the III-d international song and poetry contest "Cranes over Russia," which will be held February 15 in Moscow. As reported to IA "Res" by the Chairman of the Union of Russian citizens Natalia Zhujkova, a trip has been arranged by financial support of the Russian Cooperation in South Ossetia.
