Wed, 01/02/2012 - 12:10

Congress of entrepreneurs will be held in South Ossetia

On the initiative of the Ministry of Economic Development of South Ossetia and the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic, in the second half of February the first congress of the South Ossetian entrepreneurs is going to be held in Tskhinval. It has been reported to IA "Res" by Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic Roin Kozaev. "We plan to invite to the congress entrepreneurs and the leadership of the Republic, representatives of legislative and executive branches of government - We are also going to invite representatives of the fiscal authorities, various associations of businessmen, academics and directors of enterprises."-Kozaev has told.

Tue, 31/01/2012 - 15:41

In January Russian border guards detained 15 violators of the state border of South Ossetia

Since the beginning of 2012 employees of the FSS Border Control Agency of Russia in South Ossetia have detained more than 15 violators of the state border of South Ossetia and Georgia. As reported to IA "Res" at the press service of the FSS Border Control Agency of Russia in South Ossetia, the detainees - mostly citizens of Georgia - violated the state border with the economic and domestic purposes.

Vadim Brovtsev: We will not allow anyone to disrupt the presidential election

Presidential elections in South Ossetia must be held March 25, 2011 in accordance with the current legislation and decisions of the Supreme Court and Parliament of the Republic. This has been declared by the Acting President of South Ossetia Vadim Brovtsev at the briefing in Tskhinval after the meeting with ex-presidential candidate Alla Dzhioeva. Acting President has pointed out that Alla Dzhioeva addressed to the public and personally to him, demanding categorically to implement supposedly legal procedures on transferring her power; she was also reporting about withdrawing her signature under the agreement between her and ex-President Eduard Kokoity on joint actions to resolve the political crisis in South Ossetia after the presidential election in November 2011. "In connection with this I have to state the following: all negotiations are meaningless if one party makes a decision alone.

Tue, 31/01/2012 - 13:23

Vadim Brovtsev discussed implementation of the investment program with a representative of the Russian Ministry of Regional Development

Issues of implementing the investment program on promoting socio-economic development of South Ossetia in 2012 have been discussed at today's meeting in Tskhinval by the Acting President of the Republic of South Ossetia Vadim Brovtsev and Department Director of special programs and projects of territorial development of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia Maxim Kryukov, who arrived in the Republic with a working visit. As reported to IA "Res" at the presidential press service and the government of South Ossetia, priorities relating to rehabilitation and socio-economic development of the Republic were discussed at the meeting.

Vice Speaker of Parliament is running for president of South Ossetia

The meeting of the action group for nominating the Vice-Speaker of the Parliament of South Ossetia Mira Tskhovrebova as the presidential candidate has been held in Tskhinval. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Central Election Committee. The participants of the meeting unanimously voted for nomination of Tskhovrebova for presidential elections in March.

The Action Group has nominated an entrepreneur for presidential election in South Ossetia

At today's meeting in Tskhinval the action group has nominated an entrepreneur Felix Bitiev for presidential election in South Ossetia. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Central Election Committee of South Ossetia. As Felix Bitiev has reported to IA "Res", members of the action group are going to submit to the CEC the documents necessary for registration. It should be reminded, that one more meeting of the action group for nominating the Vice-Speaker of the Parliament of South Ossetia Mira Tskhovrebova as the presidential candidate has also been held in Tskhinval.

Sat, 28/01/2012 - 12:57

Murat Dzhioev: Re-establishment of relations between Russia and Georgia cannot be linked to functioning of the Russian Embassy in South Ossetia

Comment of the Minister for Foreign Affairs of South Ossetia Murat Dzhioev to IA "Res" concerning the statement of Manana Manjgaladze -press speaker of the President of Georgia,- that re-establishment of diplomatic relations between Georgia and Russia will take place only after closure of the "illegally opened, so-called embassies" in Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

The CEC of South Ossetia has accepted two more sets of documents

The Central Election Committee of South Ossetia has accepted today the documents from the initiative groups nominating candidates for the upcoming presidential election in March, 2011. They are: RSO parliamentary deputy of the IVth convocation Sergei Zasseev and ex-presidential candidate, RSO parliamentary deputy of the IId and IVth convocations Vladimir Kelekhsaev.

The Action Group has nominated the oppositionist as the presidential candidate of South Ossetia

A meeting of the initiative group for nominating the opposition representative, a deputy of IV-th convocation of the Parliament of South Ossetia, Sergei Zasseev in the upcoming presidential election in South Ossetia on March 25, was held in Tskhinval, January 25. As reported to IA "Res" by Sergei Zasseev, the meeting was attended by representatives of the Central Election Committee.
