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Wed, 10/09/2008 - 14:50

Die Unabhängigkeit der Republik Südossetiens – die Garantie der Sicherheit und der sicheren Zukunft des ossetischen Volkes

Dieser, nach der neuesten Nummerierung sechste, aber der absoluten Zählweise nach siebzehnte Kongress des ossetischen Volkes versammelte sich zum ersten Mal in Zchinwal. Zum seltsamen Zusammentreffen der Umstände – hat er sich am Vortag des siebzehnjährigen Bestehens der Republik Südossetien versammelt. Möge niemand diese Jubelzahl täuschen. Ein Jubiläum ist es trotzdem – in diesem Jahr wurde der erste Volkskongress neunzig Jahre. Ossetien hat neunzig Jahre lang durch bürgerliche Institute die Lücken der staatlichen Einheit geschlossen. Das Volk wählt neunzig Jahre die unteilbare öffentliche Vertretung, die Zeitweiligkeit aller Versuche der politischen Teilung anschaulich demonstrierend.

Wed, 10/09/2008 - 14:36

Independence of the Republic of South Ossetia – a guarantee of safety and reliable future of the Ossetian people

Speech of Doctor of historical sciences, Professor Ruslan Bzarov at the VI congress of the Ossetian people

The congress of today – the sixth one, according to modern numbering, and under an absolute count – the seventeenth congress of the Ossetian people, has gathered for the first time in Tskhinval. By a strange concurrence of circumstances – it gathered the day before the seventeenth anniversary of the Republic of South Ossetia. Let this teenager number deceive nobody. All the same we’re having an anniversary this year – ninety years have passed since the first national congress had been held. Ninety years long Ossetia’s civil institutions have been struggling with the lack of state unity. For ninety years people have been electing indivisible public representation, thus pointing at the irregularity and temporariness of all attempts of political division.

Wed, 10/09/2008 - 13:32

Tskhinval prepares itself for winter

As a result of Georgian aggression in the capital of the Republic of South Ossetia Tskhinval was damaged 80 per cent of living fund. This was informed to IA «Res» at Tskhinval Mayor’s office. «During the assessment of South Ossetian capital were found 593 damaged private houses and grounds. As a result of bombardment 1380 flats became unfit for human habitation. 6223 persons were left without a roof over their heads. The task is to complete the bulk of rehabilitation works in the living sector before winter».