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Mon, 13/10/2008 - 17:57

Tskhinval - Historic reference

This material was prepared to the VI Congress of Ossetian people.
We all believed then, that we will be able to avoid war…

Tskhinval is the capital of the Republic of South Ossetia, one of the most ancient cities of Caucasus, founded by tsar Asfagur in 262. Tskhinval is a heart of the South of Ossetia, its capital. It is like in focus, gathers all the best and decent of the Ossetian land. Tskhinval is an administrative and cultural center, organizes the economic life of the republic, has an ancient history. There are industrial enterprises situated here, main establishments of sciences, literature and art are concentrated here.

Mon, 13/10/2008 - 17:55

Chronology of Events in South Ossetia 7-11 August 2008

7 August 23:45
Georgia’s attack on South Ossetia began

8 August 00:06
From the Georgian villages Nikozi and Ergneti, as well as from Georgian town Gori the Georgian army started the shelling from large-caliber weapons of the capital of the Republic of South Ossetia – Tskhinval, and of the South Ossetian villages: Dmenis, Sarabuk, Satikar, Tsunar, Khetagurovo, Velit, Mugut, Didmukha, Znaur, Galuanta and others.


Tue, 07/10/2008 - 19:08

Valery Kaurov: «Your fight for freedom and liberty has overwhelmed the whole world»

On 5th of October a Ukrainian delegation led by chairman Valery Kaurov from all-Ukrainian social consolidation «United fatherland» has visited the capital of South Ossetia - Tskhinval. The delegation has a safety stock in its aim «All children are common» and invited children to take a rest in Odessa. During a month children will be attended by there parents taking rest at sanatorium «Victoria». The main staff of delegation has arrived from Odessa. Eleonora Bedoeva (the Government vice - chairman) and the deputy of health care ministry Madina Chehoeva have received the delegation.