Archive - 17/1/2022

Mon, 17/01/2022 - 23:24

One thousand seven hundred residents of South Ossetia were vaccinated against coronavirus

To date, 1,700 people have been vaccinated against COVID-19 at the polyclinic of the Republican Multidisciplinary Medical Center of South Ossetia, Tamara Sanakoeva, the head of the outpatient medical center, told the IA “Res”

“Since the beginning of January, 92 people have been vaccinated against coronavirus, of which 70 patients were vaccinated with Sputnik Light and 22 with Sputnik V. Residents of the Republic had the opportunity to get the vaccine even during the holidays, as the employees were working as usual,” Sanakoeva said.

На снимке: руины здания в Донецке
Mon, 17/01/2022 - 09:35

The West is interested in maintaining a hotbed of tension in Ukraine

Recently, high-ranking officials of the United States of America and, in fact, as we see, of the EU countries subordinate to them, have been actively making statements in which some accuse Russia of attacking Ukraine, while others accusing Russia of preparing for such attack. They do not care what exactly to accuse Russia of, but it is important only to maintain the status quo of the situation in this former Soviet republic.