

Sun, 12/08/2012 - 12:58

South Ossetian students took part in the forum "Seliger - 2012"

Students of the South Ossetian State University have participated in the youth-Russian Educational Forum "Seliger-2012". As IA "Res" has been informed by one of the forum participants Alexander Kumaritov, the trip to the forum was organized with the assistance of the Russian Embassy in the Republic of South Ossetia and the mission of the Russian Cooperation in South Ossetia.


Fri, 10/08/2012 - 14:55

Statement of members of the round table "Events in August 2008 in retrospect of the Ossetian-Georgian relations"

Tskhinval, August 8, 2012

Throughout the whole epoch the Georgian rulers have been seeking to seize the ancient Ossetian lands and annihilate their Ossetian neighbors to expand the borders of Georgia. The genocide of the Ossetian people in 1920, the genocide of 1989-1992, the armed invasion in 2004 left never-healing wounds in the historical memory of the Ossetian people. With the proclamation of independence of Georgia each new ruler was launchingmilitary actions against South Ossetia. Each aggression of the Georgian forces against South Ossetia was distinguished by the barbarous inhumanity and cruelty.

Fri, 10/08/2012 - 11:39

Four years have passed, but it is still hard to recall the events of August 2008 - a view

Valentine Kesayeva, a representative of the Ossetian diaspora in France (International non-profit association «Renaissance Sandzidzan» «Revival"):
The tragic events of August 2008 are still alive in my memory. Then we were grieving, were suffering very much, we wanted to help, not even physically, but to support morally. We were grieving every moment, doing everything possible for people to hear the truth, what was really going on.

Fri, 10/08/2012 - 11:37

Statement of members of the round table "For Peace and Harmony in the Caucasus"

We, members of the international round table "For Peace and Harmony in the Caucasus", held in Tskhinval August 8, 2012, - the day of the fourth anniversary of the Georgian aggression against the Republic of South Ossetia, following the universally recognized human rights, understanding the sociopolitical situation in the Caucasus, the goodwill and sense of civic responsibility:


Thu, 09/08/2012 - 15:08

South Ossetian and Hungarian scientists consider it necessary to develop cooperation

The delegation of South Ossetia headed by a candidate of philology, docent Mira Tskhovrebova met with the scientific and cultural representatives of Hungary in the cityof Yasbereny (Republic of Hungary).
Hungarian scientists reported on the studies in the most important aspects of the historical, cultural and linguistic heritage of our common ancestors - Alans and the Jassic people, which are reflected in the modern linguistic parallels, the resemblance in many folk customs, traditions and even in folklore verbal formulas (Hungarian folk tales).

Thu, 09/08/2012 - 12:28

Ossetian Diaspora appealed to the international community to condemn the aggression of Georgia against South Ossetia – Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia
August 8, 2012 in Tskhinval on the initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia was held a round table "Iron Nykhas" within the frames of the commemorative events timed to the fourth anniversary of the August 2008 armed aggression by Georgia against South Ossetia, which caused the deaths of hundreds of people, including the Russian peacekeepers, stationed in South Ossetia in accordance with the international mandate. The round table was attended by representatives of the Ossetian diaspora from the far and the near abroad.

Thu, 09/08/2012 - 12:26

At the round table in Tskhinval has been discussed the activities of the Ossetian Diaspora

A round table "Iron Nykhas", attended by representatives of the Ossetian diasporas from the far and the near abroad has been held in the capital of South Ossetia. The meeting was devoted to the commemorative events timed to the fourth anniversary of the Georgian aggression against South Ossetia. The convener of the meeting was the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Ossetia.


Wed, 08/08/2012 - 19:07

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev arrived in South Ossetia

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has arrived in South Ossetia. In Tskhinval the distinguished guest met with the President of the Republic Leonid Tibilov.
He has welcomed the head of the Russian Government, noting that these days the Republic is commemorating one of the most tragic pages of its history - four years ago, the Georgian troops treacherously invaded South Ossetia.

Wed, 08/08/2012 - 17:13

The representatives of South Ossetia arrived in Jászság, Hungary

Delegation of representatives of the South Ossetian intelligentsia headed by a candidate of philology, docent Mira Tskhovrebova arrived in the city of Yasbereny (Jászság, Region, Republic of Hungary).
Several meetings have been held with representatives of the intelligentsia, during which they discussed issues of scientific and cultural cooperation.
