

Sun, 20/05/2012 - 19:59

The Zar tragedy has been commemorated in South Ossetia

Today South Ossetia is marking one of the most tragic dates in the history of the Republic - the day of the Zar tragedy. Exactly 20 years ago a convoy of refugees - South Ossetian civilians, fleeing from the war along the «lifeline», was attacked by the Georgian armed thugs, who shot point-blank the women, children and old people. Ossetia was shocked by unprecedented brutality and cynicism of the Georgian murderers who had not spared even the 12-year-old child, finishing him off by "checking shot". 36 Ossetians became the victims of this tragedy; among them there were two children, ten women and eight old people.

Sun, 20/05/2012 - 14:44

Alla Dzhioeva:no any reasonable person will forget the day of the Zar tragedy.

The Zar tragedy of May 20, 1992. Witnesses' memories.

Alla Dzhioeva, senior lecturer of the journalism department of the South-Ossetian State University:

No any sensible person will forget the day of the Zar tragedy not only in South Ossetia, but in the whole world, for the shooting of the Ossetian ordinary citizens, including the children, by the Georgian neo-fascists cannot leave anyone indifferent. At that time I was a student of the Faculty of Journalism of the North-Ossetian State University.


Sat, 19/05/2012 - 22:04

South Ossetia won prizes at the festival "The Russian Students Spring"

The dance groups from South Ossetia took prizes at the XX All-Russiaт festival "The Russian Students Spring", which is being held in Chelyabinsk from May15 - 20. As reported by Head of the Youth Policy Department under the Ministry of Education of the RSO Emilia Gagieva to IA "Res", today, May 19, the final gala concert will take place in Chelyabinsk, where the winners of the festival will be awarded.

Sat, 19/05/2012 - 17:16

MelitonKazity: Perpetrators ofthe Zartragedy remained unpunished

The Zartragedy ofMay 20, 1992. Witnesses' memories.

MelitonKazity, Chairman of the Writers' Union ofSouth Ossetia:

I learned about theZartragedy from the townspeople. Everybody wasin panic.That daymany people were drivingon that road and everyone was trying tolearnanythingabout his relatives, friendsand acquaintances.Some time later thetruck approachedthe hospitalwith thedead.


Fri, 18/05/2012 - 16:39

Zamira Dzhioeva: The world community has not reacted to our tragedy

The Zar tragedy of May 20, 1992. The witnesses' memories.

Zamira Dzhioeva, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of South Ossetia:

The Zar tragedy of 1992 cannot be explained. Defenseless children, women and the old people were killedthat day. Could a normal person do so? And one has got upon the idea that they were monsters, because they had not spared even babies.

Fri, 18/05/2012 - 11:04

The EU supports Georgia through "soft power"

The emergence of the next EU report on Georgia was not accidental. After coming to power in Georgia by Mikhail Saakashvili, the country's accession to the European Union ("the return to the European nation’s family") was proclaimed one of the foreign policy priorities. Despite the fact that Brussels has reacted to this idea without much enthusiasm, the EU flags have been raised over many state agencies of Georgia. It reminds many citizens of Tbilisi the foreign occupation.
