


Sat, 19/10/2013 - 21:16

In 2013 the South Ossetian border guards detained more than 250 violators of the state border - KGB

October 11-18 the KGB of South Ossetia considered the cases against two citizens of Georgia, reported IA "Res" the press service of the KGB of South Ossetia.
"A citizen of Georgia Zakro Chochishvili, a native of the village of Patara Khurvaleti in Gori district of Georgia, detained October 11 in the RSO settlement of Orchosan, by the court decision was fined 2000 roubles and expelled from the Republic. Another citizen of Georgia, Janicke Gabrichidze, a resident of Tkibuli, detained October 13 in the village of Chorbauli in Znaur district of South Ossetia, is under investigation", - explained in the KGB official.
From January to September 2013 the Border Guard Service considered the cases against 109 citizens of South Ossetia, 126 cases of Georgian citizens and 32 citizens of other states. All of them were detained by border guards on the Georgian- South Ossetian sections of the state border.
"From among the total number of detainees for the 9 months of the current year, 89 offenders were fined. 72 Georgian citizens were fined by a court decision and expelled from the Republic. Six Georgian citizens convicted under the article 322 of Criminal Code of the Russian Federation are currently serving a sentence. 48 Georgian citizens were deported from the Republic without penalty under the Article. 14 of the Law of the Republic of South Ossetia "On the State Border", "- told the KGB official.
49 infiltrators - the citizens of South Ossetia and Georgia – by the court decision were verbally warned.

Sat, 19/10/2013 - 21:14

The participants in the MPRI discussed the situation at the state border of South Ossetia and Georgia

The situation at the state border between South Ossetia and Georgia, as well as security issues in the areas adjacent to the state border have been discussed today in Ergneti during the 38th meeting in the framework of the mechanisms for preventing and responding to incidents (MPRI).
As reported on the results by the head of the South Ossetian delegation Khokh Gagloyty, have been studied in detail the incidents that have occurred since the previous meeting.
"In particular, was discussed the act committed by a group of unknown persons on October 12 near the South Ossetian village of Mugut and the Georgian village of Dvani", - he said.
The unknown persons, according to Gagloyty, penetrated into the territory of South Ossetia by about 20 meters and installed the wooden cross there.
"We have promptly notified the EU Monitoring Mission, expressing the utter rejection of the deliberate action that means that the state border of South Ossetia has been deliberately violated. We have learned that the Georgian priest through the Georgian media called for building a temple on this particular spot", - he said.
The South Ossetian side "has appreciated highly" the speech of the new head of EU observers in Georgia Toivo Klaar in the Georgian media, who has called the incident dangerous and unproductive.
" We have no doubt that the perpetrators of this action were politically motivated. There was no any religious or moral motivation in this act "- underlined Gagloyty.
Today the new head of EU observers in Georgia Toivo Klaara was introduced to the participants of the meeting. The South Ossetian side expressed the hope that the level of the EU Monitoring Mission in Georgia would remain at the same professional level with the appointment of the new head.

Sat, 19/10/2013 - 21:12

Preparations for the next round of the Geneva talks were discussed by members of the South Ossetian and Russian delegations

In Tskhinval has been held a meeting of the Plenipotentiary Presidential Envoy of South Ossetia for post-conflict settlement Murat Dzhioev with representatives of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, members of the Russian delegation at the Geneva international discussions on security in Transcaucasia - Deputy Director of the Fourth CIS Department Alexei Dvinyaninov and Adviser to the Minister Marat Kulakhmetov. The meeting was also attended by members of the South Ossetian delegation at the Geneva talks Konstantin Kochiev and Khokh Gagloyty. During the meeting they discussed issues of preparation for the scheduled November 6, 2013 next round of the Geneva talks, the situation at the border between South Ossetia and Georgia, as well as some aspects of regional security and stability.
Russian diplomats expressed support for comprehensive efforts of the South Ossetian partners to strengthen the independence and security of the Republic, including the works at the border with Georgia carried out in accordance with the principles and norms of international law.

Sat, 19/10/2013 - 21:09

The South Ossetian government has defined the state customers of the Investment program 2013

Questions of the Investment Program to promote socio-economic development of the Republic of South Ossetia in 2013 were discussed at a government meeting chaired by Prime Minister Rostislav Khugaev.
A report on this issue made the Minister for Economic Development Zalina Khugati, according to which it is necessary to define the state customers of the Investment program 2013.


Thu, 17/10/2013 - 13:47

A copy of the Shroud of Turin is delivered to South Ossetia

A copy of the Shroud of Turin has been delivered to the South Ossetian capital, with the assistance of the Public Fund "Revival of Orthodoxy in South Ossetia," the Missionary Department of Vladikavkaz and the Alan Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church. According to a member of the Foundation Board "Rebirth of Orthodoxy in South Ossetia" Sava Gagloev, along with the shroud were also brought the relics of the great Christian ascetics of the fourth century, a warrior St.Theodore Stratelates.

Thu, 17/10/2013 - 12:21

Leonid Tibilov and Vladislav Surkov inspected the restoration of a number of facilities

Russian Presidential Aide Vladislav Surkov and South Ossetian President Leonid Tibilov inspected the reconstructed facilities in Tskhinval. They were accompanied by Prime Minister Rostislav Khugaev, Deputy Prime Minister Domenty Kulmbegov, Minister of Construction Edward Dzagoev and Minister of Culture Makharbeg Kokoev. Surkov has seen the construction of a number of facilities in the center of the South Ossetian capital - the State Drama Theatre, State Museum, government buildings, sports complex by Alina Kabaeva.

Thu, 17/10/2013 - 12:08

Leonid Tibilov: South Ossetia considers the first priority to join Customs Union

In Tskhinval, under the chairmanship of the President of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov was held a working meeting with participation of the heads of several ministries and agencies of South Ossetia, Russian Presidential Aide Vladislav Surkov and Deputy Secretary of the Russian Security Council Rashid Nurgaliyev.
The President has expressed the hope that with the appointment of Vladislav Surkov will continue fruitful work on socio-economic development of South Ossetia.


Tue, 15/10/2013 - 21:37

Vladislav Surkov: Russia is interested in the development of South Ossetia

Today in Tskhinval have arrived the RF Presidential Aide for cooperation with South Ossetia and Abkhazia Vladislav Surkov and Deputy Secretary of the Russian Security Council Rashid Nurgaliyev. In the South Ossetian capital has been held a meeting with President Leonid Tibilov and members of the government.
During the meeting, the President has told about the progress of implementation of the Investment program, noting that it covered a lot of facilities and spheres.
