

Mon, 30/09/2013 - 14:24

Leonid Tibilova and Yevgeny Shevchuk met in Sukhum

Issues of bilateral cooperation between South Ossetia and Transnistria were discussed by presidents Leonid Tibilov and Yevgeny Shevchuk during a meeting at the South Ossetian embassy in Abkhazia. The South-Ossetian delegation arrived in Sukhum to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the victory of the Abkhazian people in the Patriotic War of 1992-1993. According to the press secretary of the head of state Ghana Yanovskaya, Leonid Tibilov and Yevgeny Shevchuk discussed further strengthening of bilateral relations, the development of political, economic and cultural cooperation.

Mon, 30/09/2013 - 14:24

Leonid Tibilov: Warriors of South Ossetia have displayed courage and heroism on the battlefield in Abkhazia

The will for victory, dedication and belief in the rightness of their cause have allowed the Abkhaz people to protect their homeland, preserve the honor and dignity of the nation, said the President of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov speaking at a ceremony in Sukhum on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the victory of Abkhazia in the Patriotic War 1992-1993.

Mon, 30/09/2013 - 13:19

The situation at the border between South Ossetia and Georgia's "is stirred up" intentionally

Residents of the Georgian villages bordering on South Ossetia, have expressed their dissatisfaction with the engineering constructive works at the state border of the Republic. In turn, the South Ossetian authorities say they are ready to discuss with the representatives of Tbilisi the delimitation issues, as this is the subject of a bilateral agreement.
September 25 residents of the Georgian village of Dvani expressed their discontent with the delimitation works at the state border of South Ossetia.

Mon, 30/09/2013 - 07:32

Georgian journalists are involved in the protests against the delimitation works at the state border of South Ossetia

Today at the border of South Ossetia the Georgian authorities have organized a protest action against the delimitation works. This time Georgian journalists have decided to protest against the legitimate and logical actions of South Ossetian authorities.
The day before, according to the Georgian media, it was stated that at the state border near the village of Mugut (Znaur district, RSO) would gather 200 journalists. The South Ossetian authorities, concerned about the possible escalation of the situation have made the statements that the action scheduled for Saturday, as well as several previous ones, threaten the stability in the entire region.
In addition, the relevant letters were sent to the co-chairs of the Geneva discussions on security in Transcaucasia and to the leadership of the EU Monitoring Mission in Georgia. All responsibility for possible escalation of tension the South Ossetian authorities impose on Tbilisi, as the organizer of mass hysteria around the delimitation works at the state border of South Ossetia.
The action, not so wide, but was held. About 50 people gathered three kilometers to the east of the village of Mugut. They unfurled a Georgian flag, the banner with the inscriptions "Russian occupants" and a few small posters with the similar content.
Between the boundary line and the protesters the Georgian police put up a cordon, blocking about 200-meter section of the demarcation strip. There were also observers of the EU Monitoring Mission in Georgia. From the South Ossetian side the situation was being observed by several journalists and two unarmed representative of the KGB. The protesters were rather reserved and did not try to get closer to the state border line.
The head of the press service of the KGB of South Ossetia Alexander Smirnov described the situation at the border as the next planned provocation
"It is the impromptu rally that supposedly symbolizes the attitude of the Georgian public to the delimitation works of South Ossetia at the state border. As always in such cases, the Georgian side has exaggerated the scale and significance of such actions – there were no more than 50 people, "- he told reporters.
At the same time, the situation is calm and under control of the South Ossetian authorities.
"The same functions are performed by the Georgian police, who ensure the people not to cross the border line," - said Smirnov.
Having stood on that section of the border about an hour, Georgian journalists went to the other – dividing the Ossetian village Mugut and the Georgian village Dhwani. The reason for the meeting was the situation here with a few houses burnt during combat operations in August 2008. These houses are not restored -the bare walls without roofs and signs of life. They are located in the 50-meter zone between the temporary demarcation structures erected in 2008, and the border line which complies with the boundary of the South Ossetian Autonomous Oblast within the Soviet Union and defined by GPS-devices. The homeowners claim that they have no alternative accommodation. They were proposed to disassemble the walls and move them into the Georgian territory, or by restoring their houses to stay and live in the territory of South Ossetia, becoming the citizens of the Republic of South Ossetia, observing the laws of South Ossetia. The residents preferred to "move."
Today the action was held without any excesses. Maybe, the journalists realized the consequences and were not involved into a reckless adventure. What will happen next time?


Sun, 29/09/2013 - 17:03

Murat Dzhioev: The planned action by the Georgian authorities is fraught with serious consequences for the stability of the region

Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy of South Ossetia for post-conflict settlement Murat Dzhioev sent a letter to the co-chairs of the Geneva discussions, urging them to "take appropriate efforts for the scheduled September 28 action of Georgian journalists not to throw back the efforts of the Geneva discussions on maintaining and strengthening security and stability in the region.
Earlier, it was reported on the "protest action" to be held by the Georgian journalists on September 28 in the village of Dhwani in connection with delimitation works at the South Ossetian-Georgian state border.

Sun, 29/09/2013 - 17:01

Leonid Tibilov took part in the plenary session of the forum "Sochi-2013"

South Ossetian President Leonid Tibilov took part in the plenary session, held within the framework of the XII International Investment Forum "Sochi-2013". As reported to IA "Res" by the press secretary of the President Ghana Yanovskaya, " at the plenary session were analyzed challenges to prevent sustained economic development of the regions," - said Yanovskaya.
Leonid Tibilov has noted that they discussed the mechanisms to stimulate the activity of both domestic and foreign investors.

Sun, 29/09/2013 - 16:57

President of South Ossetia met with Russian Prime Minister at a forum in Sochi

The delegation of South Ossetia participated in the XII International Investment Forum "Sochi-2013", which is being held in the Black Sea resort. As the press-secretary of the President of South Ossetia Ghana Yanovskaya said IA "Res", the forum had been attended by Leonid Tibilov.
The President visited the South Ossetian pavilion.
Leonid Tibilov met with Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev.
"During the meeting with the Russian Prime Minister were discussed the implementation of the investment program to promote socio-economic development of South Ossetia. Leonid Tibilov has stressed that in the Republic started active work in this direction," - said Yanovskaya.
In turn, Dmitry Medvedev assured Leonid Tibilov of the support of the Russian Federation.
Leonid Tibilov also met with the heads of Dagestan, Ingushetia, North Ossetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, as well as with members of other regions of Russia, presented at the forum.
Within the framework of the forum is also being held a plenary session with the participation of Leonid Tibilov.
The delegation of the Republic is taking take part in the forum for the third time. At the forum are presented the investment opportunities of the Republic, the potential size of investments in industry, tourism, agriculture and manufacturing, based on the extraction and processing of raw materials.


Fri, 27/09/2013 - 00:00

It`s time for the Tbilisi reporters to understand that South Ossetia has no relation to the "territorial integrity" of Georgia

Comment of the Presidential Envoy of the Republic of South Ossetia for post-conflict settlement Murat Dzhioev in connection with the forthcoming action in Georgia "Journalists against the occupation." According to the media, the action is planned to be held on September 28. Georgian journalists "are going to go to the village of Dhwani with banners to express their protest "in connection with the delimitation works at the South Ossetian –Georgian border.
This action is reminiscent of the events in November 1989, when Georgia responded to the call to conduct a "peaceful" rally in Tskhinval on November 23. That action became the beginning of the nineteen-year armed confrontation. Today such a provocation may have more unpredictable consequences, as it is a question of the frontier between the two states - the Republic of South Ossetia and Georgia, which do not have, to put it mildly, any inter-state relations.
It is an obvious provocation aimed at attracting attention of the international community to the activities carried out by the relevant services of the Republic of South Ossetia on defining the border line. I`d like to emphasize that the engineering and barrage structures are being built in the territory of South Ossetia, at a certain distance from the border line and are intended to ensure a peaceful situation on the border, prevent unintentional violations because of ignorance of the borderline.
These actions are provocative because they are directed against the "occupation," though not a single Russian soldier is in the Georgian territory. As for the Republic of South Ossetia, where Russian border guards are under a bilateral intergovernmental agreement, being an important factor in the safety of the people, then it is time to understand that South Ossetia is not part of Georgia, and has no relation to its "territorial integrity." The boundaries of the recognized state of the Republic of South Ossetia are defined in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of South Ossetia and comply with the border line of the former South Ossetian Autonomous Oblast within the USSR, and cannot be modified in any way.
The South Ossetian authorities have repeatedly offered the Georgian side, including at the Geneva discussions, to start working together on the delimitation and demarcation of the border and in case of any specific issues to resolve them through negotiations. This would be in the interests of both countries, as well as in the interests of the ordinary villagers on both sides of the state border. However, the authorities of Georgia - the outgoing and the new - vying with each other, trying to outrun in the presidential race, to stir up the situation at the border, play this card to their advantage. It is in their interests, because the residents of the border areas know well the limits of their villages. These actions are conducted from Tbilisi, and maybe from far away.
Contrary to the opinion of Georgian politicians, who claim that "the border line between South Ossetia and Georgia does not exist," and their Western patrons, recommending that: "In today's world we should not build barriers," the state border between South Ossetia and Georgia is real, and it will be strengthened for security and stability in the region (and we recommend the Western patrons to visit the U.S. border with Mexico).
In areas of Georgia adjacent to South Ossetia, are EU monitors, whose function is to ensure stability and security in the region. I would like to believe that they will do their utmost to avoid provocative actions along the border.


Thu, 26/09/2013 - 23:56

The delegation of South Ossetia is taking part in the forum "Sochi-2013"

South Ossetia will participate in the XII International Investment Forum "Sochi- 2013", which is being held in the Black Sea resort September 26 - 29. The delegation of the Republic, led by President Leonid Tibilov is taking part in the forum for the third time. As the Minister for Economic Development of South Ossetia Zalina Khugati has said the news agency "Res", participation in such events opens great prospects for the future economic development of the Republic.
"At the forum will be presented our investment opportunities. Unlike last year, we will focus not only on one object, but we`ll present all the potential size of investments in industry, tourism, agricultural sector, manufacturing, based on the extraction and processing of raw materials , "- said the Minister, noting, that in every area there are objects of national importance.
Virtually all the presentation material will be submitted in electronic format.
"In the 3D format is planned to present the entire territory of our Republic, the information will display the investment potential of all districts of the Republic." Zalina Khugati has noted that currently a lot of work is being done for the investment attractiveness of South Ossetia.
"Today we can say with confidence that in the near future will be created the legal framework that will help to protect our potential investors from various risks of loss and non-return of funds. The projects that South Ossetia presented at the forum last year, despite the pre-existing agreements with the investor have not been implemented due to unresolved issues of private ownership of land, public- private partnership, the lack of legal framework.
Now, according to the minister, the situation must change, as have been elaborated legislative acts, is being improved the legal framework.


Wed, 25/09/2013 - 22:53

Geopolitical results of the "August war" were discussed at a conference in Moscow

September 23 at the Russian Institute of Strategic Studies was held an international theoretical and practical conference "The geopolitical results of the "August war": lessons and challenges."
The conference was attended by the Moscow experts and guests from Ankara, Baku, Vladikavkaz, Yerevan, Kazan, Lugansk, Rostov-on -Don, Sukhum, Tbilisi, Tskhinval and Tiraspol.
The conference was opened by director of the Institute L. Reshetnikov.
The participants were addressed by the Chairman of the State Committee of Information and Press of South Ossetia Vyacheslav Gobozov and Chief of the Caucasus Research Centre for Studies in the CIS countries at the Russian Institute of Strategic Studies Jana Amelina.
The speakers made the reports on various aspects of global and regional policy relating to the situation in the region five years ago, after the "August war."
Representative of the Black Sea-Caspian Regional Information and Analytical Center Popov has focused on the return of the geopolitical legal personality by Russia in August 2008. Various aspects of the geopolitical situation in the Caucasus, 5 years after the war were the subjects of the reports made by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation Kovalenko , Professor of the North Ossetian State University Dudayti, a political scientist Zhidkov, Chairman of the Eurasian Institute (Tbilisi) Apkhaidze.
Associate Professor of the Finance University under the Government of Russia Vojko highlighted the power factor of the war in 2008, as well as the impact of the 2008 war on the situation in the North Caucasus. It was also proposed to carry out operation to force Georgia to good-neighborliness.
The report of the Head of the Center for Military Forecasting Tsyganok was devoted to the consequences of the 2008 war.
Associate Professor of the South Ossetian State University Tibilov told about the problems and prospects of the Republic of South Ossetia after the recognition.
The reports by the Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia Safrastian, Associate Professors at the University of Economics and Technology in Ankara Togrul Ismail and Shaban Kardesh, Chairman of the Center for Policy Analysis of Baku Mamedov, lecturer of the Transdniestrian State University Yastrebchak , employees of the Volga Regional Information and Analytical Center Suleimanov and Ivanov, a member of the Moscow State University of Law Sergeev, General Director of the "Caucasus explorer" have focused on the echo of the "August war" in the region and in the world.
