
Michail Kochiev: the Slovak youth wants to be on friendly terms with South Ossetia

27/09/2011 - 14:26

A session of the Youth wing of the People `s Party of the RSO has been held in Tskhinval, where the results of the trip of the Party delegation led by the Chairman of the Youth wing Michail Kochiev tothe Republic of Slovakia have been discussed.Kochievhas informed the gathered about theresults of the trip, in particular, on the work for establishing friendly relations with the Slovak youth.«Our visit to Slovakia began on September, 18 and was based on the invitation of the progressive Slovak youth organization - Association of the Slovak youth. It should be noted that this organizationhas been pursuing the fair policy both in the internal, and in the international scene», - Michail Kochiev has informed.

Delegation of the Geneva discussions co-chairmen will arrive in South Ossetia

27/09/2011 - 14:25

On September, 27 the EU, OSCE and the United Nationsdelegation of the Geneva discussionsco-chairmen on safety in Transcaucasia will arriveinthe capital of South Ossetia with working visit.As IA RES has been informed at the office of the Plenipotentiary of the President of the RSO on post conflict settlement, the delegation will be received by the Plenipotentiary of the President of the RSO Boris Chochiev.

Murat Dzhioev: We are ready to develop good-neighbourhood with all countries in the modern world

24/09/2011 - 20:38

Quiz: the Pacific state Tuvalu has recognized the independence of South Ossetia. How do you estimate this act and what steps we should take to be recognized by the other states?

Murat Dzhioev, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the RSO:

During the recent visit of the Prime Minister of Tuvalu to South Ossetia the joint statement on establishment diplomatic relations has been signed in Tskhinval. It means that the Republic of South Ossetia has been recognized by one more state.

24 persons have officially declared about their intention to participate in the presidential elections

24/09/2011 - 20:37

For today (on September, 23) 22 initiative groups and two political parties nominating the candidates for presidential election in the RSO on November, 13, have addressed to the Central Election Committee of South Ossetia. IA RES has published the list of applicants who have already addressed to the Central Election Committee aspiring to the position of the head of the state.

The Central Election Committee has accepted the next set of documents

24/09/2011 - 20:36

The Central Election Committee of the RSO has accepted today a set of documents from the initiative group, nominating Vasily Bestaev - a member of the Advocatory chamber of the RSO-Alania- for presidential election in South Ossetia. It has been informed the News agency "Res" at the Central Election Committee of the RSO.

Questions on the state border between the RSO and the Russian Federation have been discussed in Moscow

24/09/2011 - 20:35

The meeting of the commission of South Ossetia and delegation of Russia on delimitation of the frontier of South Ossetia and the Russian Federation has been held in Moscow. According to the phone message of the Plenipotentiary of the President of South Ossetia Boris Chochiev to IA RES from Moscow, the questions connected with preparation of signing of the agreement between the RSO and the Russian Federation about the state frontier have been discussed at the third meeting.

Five violators have been detained on the border of South Ossetia and Georgia

24/09/2011 - 20:32

The Russian frontier guards have detained five citizens of Georgia for illegal crossing of the frontier of South Ossetia and Georgia. As the news agency "Res" has been informed at the press-service of the FSS Boundary management of Russia in the Republic of South Ossetia, «on September, 19 at 18:05 employees of the frontier management of the FSS of Russia in the RSO detained five citizens for illegal crossing of the frontier near the village Balta (Znaurskiy district) moving from Georgia towards South Ossetia.

Eduard Kokoity: South Ossetia is ready for cooperation with the progressive states

24/09/2011 - 20:29

On September, 19 the President of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity has met in Tskhinval with the state Tuvalu delegation led by the Prime Minister Villi Telavi. It has been informed IA RES at the Presidential Administration of the RSO. During the meeting Eduard Kokoity has underlined that South Ossetia is ready to establish the closest and friendly relations between the two states. «In spite of the fact that the geographical distance between our states is too long, we are always ready to co-operate with the progressive states which respect and appreciate people`s struggle for independence. South Ossetia has undergone the ordeals. But our people have withstood the force and have achieved their main objective - independence and the international recognition», - Kokoity has declared. In turn, Villi Telavi has thanked Eduard Kokoity for the warm reception, having noted that he is glad to visit South Ossetia.

Tuvalu and South Ossetia have established the diplomatic relations

24/09/2011 - 20:28

The Pacific state Tuvalu has recognized the independence of South Ossetia. The joint statement on establishing diplomatic relations between South Ossetia and Tuvalu has been signed on September, 19 in Tskhinval. The document has been signed by the Prime Minister of Tuvalu Villi Telavi and the President of the RSO Eduard Kokoity. It has been informed the IA "Res" at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the RSO.
