Mon, 05/02/2007 - 10:07

The last days the representatives of the official authorities of Georgia, including the president M. Saakashvili in his interview to the radio station « The Echo of Moscow », repeatedly declared, that Georgia was ready to negotiations with Abkhazia and South Ossetia without preliminary conditions. At the same time the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia has declared, that « henceforth Georgia would participate only in those negotiating processes, the final declarative purpose of which would be the restoration of the territorial integrity of Georgia ». The correspondent of the agency \" Res \" has asked the acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of South Ossetia Republic Murat Dzhioev to comment these statements, and also to answer a number of other questions.

- The statements of the Georgian authorities concerning settlement of conflicts often enough depend on the audience they are calculated. If in his interview to the radio station « The Echo of Moscow » Mr. Saakashvili spoke about the readiness « to negotiate and not to put forward any preliminary conditions », and used the term \"South Ossetia\", not having missed to notice, that « while I have not come to power in the Georgian policy it was considered, that admissively, to use the term South Ossetia is a full suicide », then on the eve, i.e. on January, 25th, speaking in the town Signakhi at the ceremony of opening of the renovated building of the local Office of Public Prosecutor, Mr. Saakashvili has declared, « Today has come the moment to prepare for the advance before the full unification of the country. It is inadmissible, that the expelled from Abkhazia and the Tskhinvalskiy region people cannot return on the land of the ancestors. Nobody will reconcile with the fact that these territories would have been returned in the structure of Georgia ».
Doesn\"t contain these words a preliminary condition of settlement of conflicts and the threat in the address of Abkhazia and South Ossetia? Moreover, that has also confirmed his other statement: « we have a unique chance to become the generation of a new Didgori ». I remind, that in the fight at Didgori in 1121 the Georgian tsar David Stroitel, whose basis of the army made 15 thousand polovtsy, shortly before that having moved in Georgia from the Northern Caucasus, and 500 of alans, has crushed the Turks-seldzhuks and has released Georgia from the long-term enthrallment. But in fact neither South Ossetia, nor Abkhazia did attack Georgia.
From what positions wish the Georgian authorities to carry on the \"peace\" negotiations has precisely formulated the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia Bezhuashvili, having declared, that « henceforth Georgia will participate only in those negotiating processes, the final declarative purpose of which will be the restoration of the territorial integrity of Georgia ».
The authorities of Georgia, speaking about negotiations and summits, mean their carrying out without the preliminary conditions from the Abkhazian and the South-Ossetian parties. I.e. the requirement about the withdrawal of the divisions of the power structures of Georgia from the territories of South Ossetia and Abkhazia being illegally there, the peace initiatives of the President of South Ossetia Republic E.D.Kokoity and the offer to sign at the summit the memorandum on non-use of force or the threat of force are, as it appear, the unacceptable « preliminary conditions » for the Georgian management. In what I agree with the Georgian politicians is that a meeting for the sake of a meeting is necessary to nobody.

Corr: In the same interview to the radio station « The Echo of Moscow » Mr. Saakashvili names the absolutely improbable amount of the population of South Ossetia and Tskhinval.

-It has already been noticed, that the Georgian authorities do not get along with statistics. Such improbable figures are not given for the first time, besides each time the absolutely different. But to speak, that there in Tskhinval live only 7 thousand ossetians, and in South Ossetia - only nearby 20 thousand ossetians, is even not solid. Especially after the recent referendum on independence of South Ossetia and the presidential elections. The international observers, present at them, marked first of all the great amount and the great activity of the voters. If there was an outflow of the population from South Ossetia, then it is the result of an aggressive policy and actions of the Georgian authorities - as of the former so of the present - concerning South Ossetia.
The present authorities of Georgia do not get along with the political geography. The town of Tskhinval is for seventeen years the capital of an independent South Ossetia Republic and to call it « the tremendous mountain town of Georgia » or as they have declared in the Apparatus of the state minister on settlement of conflicts, that the Georgian party has agreeed on carrying out of the next session of JCC « on the territory of Georgia, in particular, in Tskhinval » is absolutely far from reality.
I indoubtedly agree with one statement -the inhabitants of Tskhinval « should be let alone, should be allowed to live normally, instead of making them hostages of their policy». However, unfortunately, as the last week night shellings of the southern outskirts of the town testify, the words and the affairs of the Georgian party differ.

Corr.: What will you tell about « the uranium scandal?»

- It has been declared from the very beginning, that it was the next planned provocation, with an obvious anti-Russian implication, having appeared at the \"necessary\" time.
This estimation once again convinces the message of the press-service of the State Office of Public Prosecutor of Georgia published on January, 30th, 2007. As they say in this message, the investigation on the criminal case on detention of the citizen of the Russian Federation Khinchagov has begun on February, 1st, 2006 and on September, 1st under the decision of the regional court of Kazbegi he has been recognized guilty and condemned. Earlier the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia has informed, that Khinchagov has been detained in Tbilisi on January, 31st, 2006. If the case was tried at the Kazbegi regional court, consequently it concerns the territory of that region, through which lays the Darjal road. But at what is South Ossetia then? And in fact one of the aims of the war-swollen \"uranium\" scandal at the end of January, 2007, i.e. sharp in a year, was to present the territory of South Ossetia as the possible route of contraband. But this false charge is sewed with such white threads, that they are to mpossible to be hidden.
By the way, in the message of the State Office of Public Prosecutor of Georgia it is spoken, that the protection of Khinchagov even on September, 29th, 2006 has protested the decision of the Kazbegi regional court at the Tbilisi Court of Appeal, where already for four months there takes place the trial of the case. Doesn\"t that speak much about too?!

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