The passport system will start in South Ossetia in the middle of May

Sun, 08/05/2011 - 16:09

From the 17 May 2011 the process of issuing passports will start in South Ossetia. It has been declared by the President of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity in the course of the meeting with the representatives of the law-enforcement bodies of the RSO. Having heard the information of the relevant structures about their readiness to start issuing passports to the population of the Republic, the Head of the state has entrusted to the government, the preparation of all the normative- legal acts and begin issuing passports of the citizens of the Republic of South Ossetia with the graduates .of schools since 17 May 2011. As reported by the Head of the state, the passports will be issuing in strict accordance to the Law and the Constitution of the RSO. "And they will be granted only on the territory of South Ossetia", - has declared the president, having noted that the passports earlier issued will be exempted. "The category of our people, who cannot give the documents of confirmation of the citizenship (specified in the list of necessary documents for receiving the passport of a citizen of the RSO) and having the passport of the citizen of the RSO, will undergo separate procedure", - has emphasized Eduard Kokoity.

As noted at the meeting the first lot of forms of the passport of citizens of the RSO has been delivered in the Republic. According to the information of the Interior Ministry of the Republic, the rest of the passport forms will be delivered in the Republic in the course of a month. At the same time the new foreign and diplomatic passports of the citizens of the RSO will be delivered in the Republic. By order of the Head of the state the commission on issuing passports of the citizens of the RSO will include the representatives of the Committee for State Security of the RSO, the State Guard and Checking-counting Chamber of the Republic. "It's also some kind of census of our population", - has noted the president. It has been noted that the passport system will be conducted simultaneously in all regions of South Ossetia. The Ministry of the internal affairs of the RSO is entrusted to give for publication in the Mass Media the list of necessary documents for receiving the passport of a citizen of the RSO.

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