Mon, 05/12/2011 - 13:13

The opposition and the South Ossetian authorities are waiting for the Supreme Court decision

The next round of consultations between supporters of ex-presidential candidate of South Ossetia Alla Dzhioeva and representative of the Russian presidential administration Sergei Vinokurov has been completed in Tskhinval. As reported to IA "Res" by the opposition participant of the negotiations Alan Pliev, the dialogue did not yield any tangible results; the adherents of Dzhioeva are going to wait the judgement of the Supreme Court and continue to protest at the Theater Square "to the bitter end." "Consultations will be continued tomorrow," – Pliev has noted. In turn, the Kremlin administration spokesman Sergei Vinokurov has declined to assess the effect of the dialogue, telling the journalists that he is only the moderator "between the so-called opposition and the South Ossetian authorities." Earlier it has been reported. that due to illness, the opposition leader Alla Dzhioeva did not participate in negotiations with Vinokurov. Instead of her, Anatoly Barankevich, Alan Pliev, Dzhemal Dzhigkaev and Sergey Zasseev are speaking for the opposition.

Negotiations between the opposition and the authorities will be continued in Tskhinval

Tomorrow supporters of the ex-presidential candidate of South Ossetia Alla Dzhioeva will continue negotiations with the authorities of the RSO through intermediary of Russia. It has been declared by one of Alla Dzhioeva supporters - Alan Pliev- at the meeting in Tskhinval. He has noticed that negotiations in the republican government were going on during the day.

CIS EMO: Elections in South Ossetia are held as much democratically as possible

Voting in South Ossetia has been held as much democratically as possible. It was declared by a member of the international organization on supervision over elections CIS EMO Stavros Vitalis at the briefing in the Central Electoral Committee Information Centre. As he said, during the monitoring of presidential election in South Ossetia group CIS EMO has found out some new details in the electoral process. «I am a member of democratic movement in Greece which represents direct democracy. But here, in South Ossetia, our group visited several polling stations and has been amazed to see, how much democratically the voting process is being held».

Sat, 26/11/2011 - 15:57

Parliament of South Ossetia ratified the agreement between Russia and South Ossetia on cooperation and mutual assistance in customs affairs

The agreement on cooperation and mutual assistance in customs affairs between Russia and South Ossetia has been ratified at the meeting of the parliamentary session of South Ossetia in Tskhinval. The meeting was headed by the Acting Parliament Speaker of the RSO Zurab Kokoev. Draft agreement for consideration of the deputies was brought up by the Vice-Speaker of the Parliament of South Ossetia, Yuri Dzitstsoity. "This cooperation agreement has already been ratified by Russia,-Dzitstsoity has said. -It implies strengthening of cooperation in customs affairs between South Ossetia and Russia." The Vice-Speaker said that the agreement had been signed between the two states in Moscow on December 9, 2010. Then, the Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee of South Ossetia on construction, industry, transport and communications, Gennady Kokoev introduced a bill on the state strategic planning in the Republic of South Ossetia. "This law establishes the basic principles, contents and procedure of the state strategic planning of socio-economic development of South Ossetia, and also defines the powers of participants of the state strategic planning process,"-Kokoev has declared.

The "Day of Silence" is announced in South Ossetia

Today on the eve of the second round of presidential elections of the RSO the "day of silence" has been announced in South Ossetia. As reported to IA "Res" by the Chairman of the Central Election Committee of South Ossetia, Bella Plieva, the republic is ready for the second round of presidential elections. "November, 26, the day before the election, according to the law is announced as the "Day of Silence" so the voters could easily make their choice. Today, all campaigning activities related to the upcoming elections, are prohibited in the territory of the Republic.

Sat, 26/11/2011 - 14:29

Farmers in South Ossetia will get 500 head of cattle

Today 500 head of cattle have been delivered to South Ossetia from the Republic of Kalmykia. As reported to IA "Res" by the Acting Minister for Economic Development of South Ossetia Batradz Parastaev, selection of animals was carried out by the South Ossetian farmers jointly with the agricultural department of the Ministry of Economic Development of South Ossetia.

KGB of South Ossetia temporarily closed the border with Georgia

From November 24 according to the KGB of South Ossetia in accordance with the order of the Chairman of the Committee of the State Security of the Republic the personnel committee and the KGB border guard service are transferred to reinforced schedule of service. "As part of these measures, since the same time the simplified crossing of the state border with the Republic of Georgia in the settlements Mosabruni, Artsev, Sinagur and Karzman will also be suspended. Crossing the mentioned points will be resumed at 20:00 pm on November, 28 2011", - has been informed by the press service of the KGB of South Ossetia.

Sat, 26/11/2011 - 14:25

The delegation of South Ossetia has taken part in the Vth All-Russia forum of mothers

Representatives of South Ossetia have taken part in the Vth All-Russia forum of mothers, which has been held the other day in capital of Bashkortostan - the city of Ufa. The action was being conducted within the framework of the All-Russia action «the Future of Russia – is in hands of mothers» and under the auspices of Public chamber of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan and the International Public Association of Welfare Fund "Mum". On arrival in Tskhinval the head of the South Ossetian delegation, the state adviser of the President of the RSO Janna Zasseeva has informed IA "RES" that the forum was attended by 550 delegates from 68 regions of the country among which were not only representatives of the authorities and public organizations, but also mothers of large families.

Georgy Kabisov: All of us should come on November, 27th and make their choice deliberately

Quiz: according to the international observers the first round of presidential elections of the RSO on November, 13 has been held transparently, without serious violations.
How do you think, whether the second round of presidential elections will be so fair and objective?

Vyacheslav Gobozov, the leader of Socialist Party «Fydybaestae - Fatherland»:

I think that the second round of the Presidency of the RSO will also be held fairly. It seems to me, there are no preconditions that someone could undertake attempts to falsify the elections. The second round of the elections will be fair, and the winner will be that one whom the people of South Ossetia will vote for.

Georgy Kabisov, the ex-candidate for the Presidency, the Chairman of the State Committee of Information, Communications and Mass Media of the RSO:
Despite the political temperature, I think that the election campaign as a whole is being conducted within legal boundaries. It would be desirable to express gratitude to candidates who have not admitted any excesses, and, I`d like to believe that they will adhere to this position later on. Dignity consists not only in winning, but also in being able to lose with honour.
