Archive - 21/8/2024

Wed, 21/08/2024 - 16:56

The exhibition “Beslan. A minute of silence", will be opened in Vladivostok

In Vladivostok, at the Artetage Center for Contemporary Art, will be opened the exhibition “Beslan. A minute of silence”, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Beslan tragedy.

According to the South Ossetian Embassy in Russia, the exhibition was organized on the initiative of the administrations of the cities of Vladivostok and Vladikavkaz with the support of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives.

Wed, 21/08/2024 - 16:35

The recognition of South Ossetia by Russia was the highest manifestation of friendly relations between the two countries - Murat Dzhioev

The recognition of South Ossetia by the Russian Federation on August 26, 2008 was the act of the greatest justice towards our people,” Murat Dzhioev, a deputy of the first convocation of Parliament, former head of the Republic’s Foreign Ministry, Candidate of History, has noted in a commentary to IA “Res” on the eve of the significant date.

According to him, Russia, by recognizing the independence of South Ossetia, thereby confirmed the right of the people of the Republic to independent sovereign development.