

The CEC of South Ossetia has accepted two more sets of documents

The Central Election Committee of South Ossetia has accepted today the documents from the initiative groups nominating candidates for the upcoming presidential election in March, 2011. They are: RSO parliamentary deputy of the IVth convocation Sergei Zasseev and ex-presidential candidate, RSO parliamentary deputy of the IId and IVth convocations Vladimir Kelekhsaev.


The Action Group has nominated the oppositionist as the presidential candidate of South Ossetia

A meeting of the initiative group for nominating the opposition representative, a deputy of IV-th convocation of the Parliament of South Ossetia, Sergei Zasseev in the upcoming presidential election in South Ossetia on March 25, was held in Tskhinval, January 25. As reported to IA "Res" by Sergei Zasseev, the meeting was attended by representatives of the Central Election Committee.

Fri, 27/01/2012 - 11:15

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Ossetia, "Neutral passport" – another adventure of the Georgian authorities

Recently media has again brought up a topic of issuing the so-called neutral passports to residents of South Ossetia and Abkhazia by the Georgian authorities. It has also been announced extremely negative reaction of the Abkhaz authorities to efforts of some foreign companies, functioning in Abkhazia and distributing these passports among residents of Abkhazia. For commenting the so-called "neutral" passports, the correspondent of IA "Res" have addressed the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia, Murat Dzhioev.


Wed, 25/01/2012 - 12:18

An agreement on continuation the process of mutual transferring of convicted persons has been reached in Dvani

South Ossetia and Georgia have agreed to continue the process of mutual transferring of the convicted persons. It has been declared by the RSO Deputy Presidential Envoy on post-conflict settlement Merab Chigoev after the meeting in the format of Mechanisms on Prevention and Reaction to Incidents (MPRI), which took place today at the border of South Ossetia in the Georgian village of Dvani. "During the meeting we agreed that the process of mutual transferring of the convicted persons should be continued in the future – Chigoev has underlined. - We have reason for optimism in this matter. «According to Chigoev, during the meeting the sides noted some improvement in the situation at the border of South Ossetia and Georgia.

Wed, 25/01/2012 - 12:16

Construction of several large facilities in Tskhinval will be completed by the end of March

Acting President of South Ossetia Vadim Brovtsev surveyed the facilities restoration and new construction in Tskhinval. He was accompanied by Acting Minister of Road, Capital Construction and Architecture Dzhioev Rudolph, head of the State Committee for Restoration Zurab Kabisov and representatives of the general contracting organizations.
The inspection began with the dwelling apartment building, which is under construction at number 6 Pushkin Street. The house was completely destroyed by fire during the Georgian aggression in August 2008 and was not subjected to restoration; therefore, it was decided to demolish it and build in its place a new, modern three-storeyed building. At present the internal finishing work is being carried out.


Tue, 24/01/2012 - 18:34

A regular meeting in the format of MPRI is being held at the border of South Ossetia and Georgia

A regular meeting in the format of Mechanisms on Prevention and Reaction to Incidents (MPRI) has started in the Georgian village of Dvani, which is bordering with South Ossetia. The meeting is held behind closed doors. As reported to IA "RES" by Deputy Presidential Envoy to the Republic, head of the delegation Merab Chigoev, the South Ossetian delegation once again will raise the issue of the missing persons of South Ossetia.

The CEC of South Ossetia accepted the next set of documents

The Central Election Committee of South Ossetia accepted a package of documents from the initiative group for nominating ex- Chairman of the Committee of Transportation of the RSO Maurice Sanakoev presidential candidate. As reported to IA "Res" by the CEC representative, the "application of the initiative group will be considered within five days, then a decision on registration or refusal of registration will be made".

Tue, 24/01/2012 - 15:13

Boris Chochiev: Georgian NGOs should persuade their leadership to recognize the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia

The activities of the Georgian non-governmental organization "Georgian-Abkhazian and Georgian-Ossetian House" and its founder Nestan Kirtadze have aroused bewilderment and indignation in South Ossetia. This was stated by the presidential envoy on post-conflict settlement in South Ossetia Boris Chochiev, commenting, in particular, the meeting of Kirtadze with representatives of the European Union Observer Mission in Georgia, where it has been declared intention of the Mission to open shopping centers in the Georgian villages bordering with South Ossetia and Abkhazia; they consider that it will be "direct salvation" for "people who have found themselves in a tight situation." "To say that opening of these shopping centers will be a direct salvation to the residents of South Ossetia and Abkhazia and that the majority of our people are living in extreme poverty – is nonsense.

South Ossetian leader of opposition has noted the positive dynamics of negotiations with the authorities

Acting President of South Ossetia Vadim Brovtsev met with the ex-presidential candidate of South Ossetia, the leader of the South Ossetian opposition Alla Dzhioeva. The meeting was held behind closed doors. According to both sides, the dialogue was rather constructive. "We are grateful to the President for his positive steps. He has listened attentively to all our positions. Moreover, for the first time I heard this question: ''What are your suggestions? The dialogue will be continued. All the issues we identified have been perceived by Brovtsev positively, and we are looking forward for further constructive dialogue", - Dzhioeva told the journalists after the meeting. She added that she had handed over a package of documents, among them - the Supreme Court's decision on canceling the elections, - to the legal department of the president, so that they would offer their expertise.

Tue, 24/01/2012 - 12:05

Four citizens of Georgia have been detained for violation of the state border of South Ossetia

Russian border guards in South Ossetia detained four citizens of Georgia for violation of the state border. It has been reported to IA "Res" at the press service of the Border Control Agency of the FSS of Russia in South Ossetia. "On 22 January 2012, at 13:25, the employees of the Border Control Agency of FSS of Russia, South Ossetia detained three citizens of Georgia near the village Diseu (Tskhinval District of South Ossetia), for making an attempt of illegal crossing of the state border of South Ossetia and Georgia.
