


The Head of Chamber of Commerce of South Ossetia has been refused the registration as a presidential candidate

President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of South Ossetia Roin Kozaev has been refused the registration as a candidate for President of the Republic.
As reported to IA "Res" by the Chairman of the Central Election Committee of South Ossetia Bella Plieva, the decision was made in accordance with the relevant requirements of the Constitutional Law of South Ossetia "On elections of President of South Ossetia" and the Constitutional Law of South Ossetia, "On guarantees of electoral rights and the right to participate in the referendum of the citizens of South Ossetia."

Fri, 10/02/2012 - 15:21

The rally in Tskhinval has gathered more than four thousand people

The rally "Election on March 25 – is the path to prosperity and stability" has been held today in the capital of South Ossetia. The action was organized by the Public Chamber in support of presidential elections in South Ossetia, scheduled for March. Despite the bitter frost more than four thousand people gathered in the center of Tskhinval: representatives of political parties, members of the public, citizens and residents of the districts of the country.

Fri, 10/02/2012 - 15:15

The rally in Tskhinval has gathered more than four thousand people

The rally "Election on March 25 – is the path to prosperity and stability" has been held today in the capital of South Ossetia. The action was organized by the Public Chamber in support of presidential elections in South Ossetia, scheduled for March. Despite the bitter frost more than four thousand people gathered in the center of Tskhinval: representatives of political parties, members of the public, citizens and residents of the districts of the country.

The Central Electoral Committee of South Ossetia has registered six action teams

The Central Election Committee of the Republic of South Ossetia, having considered the relevant package of documents, has taken the decision to register the action groups, nominating entrepreneurs Felix Bitiev, Rustem Dzhioev, former presidential representative in the Parliament of South Ossetia, the RSO MP of 4 convocations Tarzan Kokoity, the leader of the Afghan Veterans Union of South Ossetia Murat Guchmazov, Human Rights Ombudsman under President of South Ossetia David Sanakoev, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of South Ossetia to RF Dmitry Medoev and the authorized representatives of the Communist Party of the Republic of South Ossetia, which nominated Stanislaus Kochiev as the presidential candidate, for the Presidency of South Ossetia.


The CEC of South Ossetia is completing acceptance of applications from the action groups and political parties

Tonight, the CEC of South Ossetia will complete acceptance of applications from the action groups and political parties, nominating candidates for president of South Ossetia. In accordance with legislation, the action groups can begin collecting signatures in support of the nominated candidates since the date of issuance of the CEC certificate of registration. CEC is obliged to consider the documents within 10 days.

Tarzan Kokoity is running for president of South Ossetia

A meeting of the action group, nominating the parliament deputy of the first four convocations, coordinator of the Ossetian Popular Front Tarzan Kokoity as president of South Ossetia, has been held today in Tskhinval. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Central Election Committee. Representatives of t intelligentsia and the business community of South Ossetia have supported the candidacy of Tarzan Kokoity. The presidential aspirant thanked everyone for their support and trust. "Situation in South Ossetia is difficult.

The action group has nominated David Sanakoev as president of South Ossetia

A meeting of the action group, nominating Human Rights Ombudsman under the President of South Ossetia David Sanakoev for the presidency of the Republic of South Ossetia, has been held today in Tskhinval. The meeting was attended by members of the public, as well as representatives of the Central Election Committee of South Ossetia. After unanimous vote of members of the action group for nominating Sanakoev as the president of the Republic, he thanked all those present for their support. "Today, we have to live in difficult conditions. And I'm well aware of responsibility and the burden that falls on the shoulders of such high-ranking official - as head of state - Sanakoev has noted. - In my election program, I `ll introduce people to my thoughts and vision for the future of our country, and if they like them, then, I'm sure, people will say their word."

Thu, 09/02/2012 - 11:47

The Party " Raestag IR" has nominated Pavel Kumaritov for the Presidency

The South Ossetian political party "Raestag IR" (Fair Ossetia) has nominated former official, ex- head of Dzausky district Pavel Kumaritov for President of the Republic. The meeting was attended by members of the CEC of South Ossetia. Candidacy of Kumaritov was approved by secret ballot. "The main thing for me - is a national idea. We have overcome a long way to independence and today we must maintain it. And this is the most important thing in this situation ", - Kumaritov said.

Central Election Committee of South Ossetia refused to consider the documents of the action group of Albert Dzhussoev

The Central Election Committee of South Ossetia has accepted today three packages of documents from the action groups nominating an entrepreneur Dzhioev Rustem, the deputy first four convocations of the Parliament of South Ossetia Tarzan Kokoity, and a resident of Leningor district Basil Khachirov as the presidential candidates. This has been reported to IA "Res" by the CEC of the Republic.
