Murat Тkhostov calls the Georgian party to return to the negotiating table within the limits of JCC

Mon, 02/07/2007 - 09:26

The co-chairman of the north-ossetian part of JCC Murat Тkhostov has sent a letter to the co-chairmen of JCC from the georgian, the south-ossetian and the Russian parties Merab Antadze, Boris Chochiev and Juriy Popov. Copies of the letter are sent to the Head of the Mission of OSCE in Georgia Roy Riv and the Chief negotiator of the European Commission in Georgia and Armenia Payer Eklund.
In the letter in particular it is spoken:
«The North-Ossetian part of JCC with anxiety watches the events developing in the zone of the georgian-ossetian conflict.
As we are informed, the Georgian side continues the engineering equipment of the district in the zone of the conflict, into which new and new divisions of the Georgian police are entered. Without critical necessity has been continued the uncoordinated construction of the roundabout roads, aggravating without that the rather uneasy situation. Until now the Georgian side interferes with renewal of normal drinking water supply of the population of Tskhinval.
Simultaneously, the Georgian party secretly, without coordination with the Joint Control Commission and in infringement of all its decisions, has entered fighting machines of infantry into the zone of responsibility of JPKF.
We declare, that the infringement by the Georgian party of the system of command of JPKF, its withdrawal from the principle of transparency in the activity of the peace-making contingents, are unacceptable and are the roughest infringement of the operating arrangements. Also are unacceptable and should be excluded later on the threats of using weapon by the Georgian police, sounded concerning the peacemakers.
We consider, that the listed actions of the Georgian side do not testify in favour of declared by it adherence to peace settlement of the georgian-ossetian conflict and promote to growth of intensity in the zone of the conflict, raise the risk of renewal of an armed opposition between the parties in the conflict.
We call the Georgian party not to interfere with the activity of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces, to return to the negotiating table within the limits of the Joint Control Commission, to renew the discussion of all the spectrum of problems in settlement of the conflict in a constructive key, to support the offer on holding of an extraordinary meeting of the co-chairmen of JCC with the agenda, concerning prevention of an escalation of violence in the zone of the conflict».

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