Georgia is being militarized rapidly

Thu, 28/07/2011 - 16:14

Military maneuvers of the IV-th infantry brigade of the Georgian land forces with participation of the USA marines are being conducted at the military base of the Georgian army near Tbilisi. The maneuvers have the code name «Agile Spirit». They are presented as the "planned" and represent the program of the USA naval corps which prepares the Georgian military men for peace-making mission ISAF in Afghanistan where Georgia intends to increase essentially its military presence. It should be underlined that these maneuvers have started at once after the maneuvers in Sachkhere which started on July, 18. It is obvious that Georgia is being militarized rapidly. And the militarization speed of Georgia exceeds that one before the August military aggression against the Russian Federation and the Republic of South Ossetia.

Active involvement of Georgia into the NATO countries aggressive wars against the sovereign states (Georgia is participating in the Iraq war), increasing of the Georgian contingent are directed at as much as possible Georgian military men would have experience of participation in real operations through baptism of fire. According to the scenario of one of the maneuvers` stages, «representatives of the Georgian armed forces and representatives of the USA marines should have won irregular "militia" of the enemy around the operation area as the United forces had provided restoration of safety and stability in this area for "the civilian population tired of war". The mixed forces of mobile and motorized infantry have taken part in the operation. At the beginning the rebels’ settlement has been surrounded to prevent their flight and possible strengthening of the outside grouping of the enemy. Then divisions of the United forces began entering into the settlement, suppressing points of the opponent’s resistance. After instituting control over the settlement, representatives of the United forces have neutralized and have taken prisoners "the rebels" resisting to them which roles were also performed by the Georgian and American military men. These maneuvers testify about the planned following military aggression of Georgia against South Ossetia and Russia. It should be reminded that during the war in 2008 the Georgian army unexpectedly sustained heavy losses both in manpower and military weapons during the operations in Tskhinval. The maneuvers promote improving of tactics and strategy of actions in the conditions of any settlement. The other evidence that these maneuvers are being conducted for the next intrusion into South Ossetia, is that in the annotation spread by Tbilisi the rhetoric coinciding with the rhetoric of official Tbilisi in a context of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict («safety and stability restoration», « the tired of war civilian population etc») is widely used. It should be noted, that 350 marines of the USA 11th rotational forces battalion in the Black Sea region, based in Constance, Romania, the antiterrorist battalion, based near Bessemer, and 450 military men of the IV-th infantry brigade of the Georgian military forces are taking part in the maneuvers which will last till August, 1.

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