Archive - 9/4/2008


Wed, 09/04/2008 - 16:46

Interparliamentary Assembly headquarters to be relocated from Moscow to the one of IPA Member Republics

The headquarters of the Interparliamentary Assembly of Member-States of «For democracy and nations rights» society will be relocated from Moscow to one of IPA Member Republics towns. This was informed to IA «Res» correspondent by the deputy of RSO Parliament Chairman Tarzan Kokoity.
«It was decided from the outset that the headquarters of the Interpaliamentary Assembly will be located in one of our republics, either in Abkhazia or in South Ossetia or in Transdnistria. But taking in account the tense situation that time in the Transdnistrian-Moldovan Republic, the Republik of Abkhazia and the Republic of South Ossetia due to the pressure of Georgian and Moldovan authorities it was decided to start working in Moscow»-said Kokoity.