Archive - 5/11/2021

Fri, 05/11/2021 - 16:43

Specialists from Russia in hand microsurgery will provide free assistance to residents of South Ossetia

The leadership of the Health Ministry of South Ossetia reached an agreement to hold a scientific-practical conference of hand microsurgery in Tskhinval.

"From March 31, 2022, for several days, the invited leading specialists in pediatric and adult microsurgery of the hand from Russia will provide consulting and operational assistance free of charge. Adults and children are invited for treatment," the press service of the Health Ministry said.

Fri, 05/11/2021 - 14:20

Nine people with COVID-19 have been hospitalized at the South Ossetian medical center in a day

Over the past day, nine people were hospitalized with a diagnosis of a new coronavirus infection in the "red zone" of the South Ossetian medical center, 10 patients were discharged, Zarina Tuaeva, deputy director for organizational and methodological work of the Republican Multidisciplinary Center (RMMC), told the “Res” news agency on Friday.

“In the “red zones” of the infectious diseases and children's hospitals, 170 (172 a day earlier) patients with coronavirus infection are being treated this morning. There are six people in the intensive care unit,” said the doctor.