

Address of the President of the Republic of South Ossetia Anatoly Bibilov to the nation in connection with the centennial of the Ossetian genocide

People of Ossetia! Brothers and sisters!
Today in Ossetia is the anniversary of mournful memory, the memory of one of the most tragic pages in the history of Ossetians - the genocide committed by Georgia in 1920. The victims of genocide then became tens of thousands of people - children, women, old people; South Ossetia lost a third of the Ossetian population.

Sat, 20/06/2020 - 16:33

Black balls launched in memory of the victims of genocide in South Ossetia

A thousand balloons by the number of genocide victims from Georgia were launched in all areas and the capital of South Ossetia. In memory of the victims of the genocide, balloons were launched at 944, 8 at the strategically important South Ossetian border post in the village of Uista (Tsnelis), as well as around the entire border.

In the capital of the Republic - Tskhinval, the rally was held by employees and activists of the Committee on Youth Policy, Sports and Tourism of South Ossetia.

Sat, 20/06/2020 - 15:28

In South Ossetia laid wreaths and flowers in memory of the victims of the genocide committed by Georgia in 1920

The leadership and the public of South Ossetia on Saturday laid wreaths and flowers at the monument to 13 Communards in the Zguder cemetery, who had been shot by Georgian punishers on June 20, 1920. Today in Ossetia is the day of mourning - the 100th anniversary of one of the most tragic pages in the history of Ossetians - the genocide committed by Georgia in 1920.

Prime Minister Eric Pukhaev in a media commentary noted that the genocide of the Ossetian people by Georgia should be condemned by the international community.


Fri, 19/06/2020 - 20:38

The punitive action on June 20 was aimed at the destruction of Ossetians on an ethnic basis, - the KGB

The events of 1920 in South Ossetia, which had the most negative consequences for the Ossetians, should certainly be recognized by the international community as the fact of the targeted extermination of people on ethnic grounds by the Georgian government, and the organizers and perpetrators of these crimes should and will be punished, regardless of the statute of limitations, stated on Friday the State Security Committee of the Republic.

On June 20, 2020, Ossetia will mark the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Ossetian Genocide by the “Georgian Democratic Republic”.

Fri, 19/06/2020 - 13:14

37 patients continue to be treated at the Tskhinval Infectious Diseases Hospital: no new cases of COVID-19

In South Ossetia, 20 tests for coronavirus were conducted per day, all tests showed a negative result, Anna Gagloeva, Deputy Head of the South-Ossetian Consumer Rights Protection Committee, told IA "Res» on Friday.

"According to the data on the morning of June 19, 37 people with laboratory-confirmed coronavirus are being treated at the Tskhinval infectious diseases hospital, one person has been deregistered, 80 people have been ill for the entire period, 43 of them have recovered and were discharged from the medical institution," Gagloeva clarified.
