

Mon, 07/03/2011 - 18:06

The 15 round of Geneva debates has started

The main subject of debates at the fifteenth round of international debates for stability and safety in Transcaucasia, which has started today in Geneva, was discussing the signing of the documents of not applying force against South Ossetia and Abkhazia by Georgia. As the leader of south-ossetian delegation Boris Chochiev informed IA "Res" over the phone from Geneva, south-ossetian side again focused the attention of the participants of the meeting on the theme of not-applying force.

Mon, 07/03/2011 - 18:05

Minister of Foreign Affairs: the drugs have been delivered to South Ossetia from Georgia

Georgia was a large problem for South Ossetia in sense of delivering drugs to its territory. The deputy minister for foreign affairs of South Ossetia Alan Pliev has declared IA "Res" about this fact, commenting the statement in the report of the USA State Department, which had emerged in the number of electronic Mass Media, about the possible transportation of drugs through the territory of South Ossetia and Abkhazia
"Georgia was a great problem for us because of illegal supply of drugs on the territory of our Republic till the moment while the border became to be controlled by south - ossetian and russian force structures on the whole perimeter after the repulsing of georgian aggression in August 2008. Several operations for stopping drug-traffic and detention of the persons who were connected with the trade of drugs have been implemented by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of RSO before 2008. In the course of these operation were revealed just the people, delivering drugs in the Republic of South Ossetia", - Pliev has said.


Sat, 05/03/2011 - 17:46

Kazbulat Tskhovrebov: Statements of Georgia are saturated with lie and hypocrisy

The flash-poll: the material, which confirmed that the initiator of unleashing the war in August 2008 is the president of Georgia M. Saakakashvili, has been placed on the site "Wikileaks". Also, the authorities are continuing to accuse Russia in the armed aggression against Georgia and call South Ossetia the occupied territory.
Your commentary.

Mira Tskhovrebova, vice-chairman of the parliament of RSO:


Fri, 04/03/2011 - 20:06

New roads will be built in South Ossetia

3 milliard 327 million roubles will be allotted on the development of the road infrastructure in South Ossetia. The leader of press-service of the president and the government of RSO Vyacheslav Sedov has reported IA "Res" about this.
As Sedov says, the question is in the construction of eight routes - Tskhinval-Leningor (the area Dmenis-Leningor), Tskhinval-Znaur, Otreu-Artsev, Grom-Tsinagar, Gufta-Kvaysa, Monaster-Akhmadzh, Akhmadzh-Leningor and Sinagur-Karzman.
"The state customer emerges the Ministry of capital, road construction and architecture of the Republic, - has said the official representative of the president and the government of RSO. - Herewith hard requirements on quality of the conducted work and the periods of their execution are put before the builders ".


Thu, 03/03/2011 - 18:22

The War in August 2008. The eye-witnesses are telling. Zoya Ostaeva

Ostaeva Zoya Petrovna 1959 y. b., inhabitant of the village Tbet.
The War in August 2008 has forced us to suffer the nightmare in the whole meaning of this word. Initially, at the beginning of the August georgians periodically were firing South Ossetia in evenings, however with dawn the fire was calming down. At night with seventh for eighth August, when about midnight the blasts thundered, I was perplexed: whether georgians once again undertook the attempt of destruction our Republic? Really it was the war?!


Wed, 02/03/2011 - 16:03

Ruslan Bzarov: In the long prospect the changes are inevitable

The situation in the NEAR EAST will not reflect neither on Russia and no on Transcaucasia. The doctor of the historical sciences Ruslan Bzarov has declared IA "Res" about this.
On his opinion, Mass Media exaggerate the role of the processes, running on the NEAR EAST, and their influence upon Caucasus as a whole.

Wed, 02/03/2011 - 16:00

University complex will have been built in South Ossetia

The new university complex is expected to build in the capital of South Ossetia within the nearest three years. About this the leader of press-service of the president and the government of the Republic of South Ossetia Vyacheslav Sedov has reported to IA "Res".
