Sat, 02/05/2009 - 15:55

An RPG-22 grenade launcher found in an inhabited area of Tskhinval

At about 3 hrs p.m., in an inhabited area of Tskhinva in Komsomolskaya street (house no. 36), children had found an RPG-22 grenade launcher, reported the press-service of the RSO MoD.
”The combat engineers who arrived at the spot, verified that the grenade launcher RPG-22 was in a stowed status and it bore an inscription in Bulgarian language”, says the press-service report.

Tue, 28/04/2009 - 17:28

The reconstruction of Tskhinval to start on 1 May

The reconstruction of buildings destroyed during the Georgian aggression will start this week from 1 May, stated the RSO President Eduard Kokoity at today’s session of the government. He noted that the funding officially starts on 1 May and 790 mil rouble had been already allocated.
”the fund allocation scheme had been set, and the spendings will be under a joint strict control. There should be transparency in place. Many things depend on how effectively wed are able to work”, said Eduard Kokoity.

Mon, 27/04/2009 - 18:57

Compensation Payouts Resume in South Ossetia

The process of compensations payouts to the population affected during the Georgian aggression will restart in the nearest future, reported the RSO President Eduard Kokoity at the session of the RSO Government. "The arrival of the Deputy EMERCOM Ruslan Tsalikov is related not only to inspection at sites under EMERCOM's reconstruction, but the issue of 50,000-compensation payouts to the population will be settled. We are resuming this process.

Mon, 27/04/2009 - 18:55

A memorandum between the heads of archive departments of the RF and RSO has been signed in Tskhinval

Specialists from the Russian Federal Archive agency, representatives of Archiving Services of North Ossetia and Sverdlovsk oblast are visiting Tskhinval, South Ossetia, to sign a memorandum on cooperation with South Ossetia.
Kirill Chernenkov, the Head of department for international relations of the Federal Archive Agency, told about the purpose of the visit.

Fri, 24/04/2009 - 11:13

Eduard Kokoity met with inhabitants of villages of South Ossetia expelled from the places of their permanent residence in 1989-1992

The President of the Republic of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity met with inhabitants of villages occupied by Georgian authorities, people, who were expelled from the places of their permanent residence in 1989-1992.
Health Minister Nugzar Gabaraev, Post Conflict Settlement Minister Boris Chochiev and representatives of Tskhinval district administration participated in the meeting. Eudard Kokoity underlined that it was planned to bring back a normal peaceful life, restore local governance and law enforcement structures.
"Today, law and order are restored on the territory of the Republic and we have the possibility to return to our lands and start on peaceful life. We are not dividing people according to their ethnic origin. There are Georgians and Ossetians, as well as other ethnicities, among you, who had been living in these villages. You are all citizens of our Republic and the state is ready to create all necessary conditions for your return to your homes," said President.
In the course of the meeting, Eduard Kokoity responded to participants' questions.

Fri, 24/04/2009 - 11:05

Informational Agency RES held a press-conference in Tskhinval. The RSO President Eduard Kokoity answered journalists’ questions

The population of both South Ossetia and North Ossetia is very much concerned about the events happening now in Georgia, the protest rallies. However, the leadership of Georgia is trying to differently interpret the events, as if it were Russia’s starting up some actions against Georgia. Nothing of the kind is taking place, the situation is stable, said RSO President Eduar Kokoity commenting the current developments in South Ossetia.
”There is a will of certain circles to destabilize the not only because of events in Georgia, but also due to our own pre-election campaign. Therefore, I would like to address all inhabitants of North and South Ossetia to remain calm. Presently, the armed forces of Georgia are unable to resist neither the armed forces of South Ossetia nor to the military contingent of the RF in SO. Therefore, I consider it senseless to have this kind of concerns.

Fri, 24/04/2009 - 11:00

Boris Chochiev: The Position of Human Rights Organizations is Unclear

The IA RES had published a video record proving that three citizens of South Ossetia were abducted by Georgian law enforcement bodies, however no reaction from international human rights organizations followed.
Boris Chochiev, Special Representative for Post-Conflict Settlement:
It has been already four day and there is no reaction from international human rights organizations. Meanwhile, the video record gives a clear evidence that the South Ossetian citizens were captured by Georgian special services and these three persons were subjected to torture
Unfortunately, the policy of double standards tends to prevail in the activities of the EU and OSCE observers in the areas bordering with South Ossetia, where the abducted people were initially kept. Today, we know nothing about their fate and there are no guarantees that it there will be any clarification.
