вт, 29/08/2006 - 16:38

Why did the American senators come? This question is raised by people in Tskhinval, they hope that the delegation came to see the situation on the spot. This time the foreign guests were in a hurry. The visit lasted only for 40 minutes but the senators were prepared for the visit in terms of delicate demonstration of their feeling for Tbilisi and indifference to South Ossetia.

Senator MacCane, a prominent American politician, maybe the future president, in the beginning of the meeting made a strange comparison. He said that was amazed by the difference between Tbilisi and Tskhinval. “Tbilisi is a blooming city while Tskhinval is depressing, and I am surprised that you do not want to be part of a developing Georgia”.
Is that “naivety” of an active politician or just ignorance? Tbilisi is developed by the USA and is not exposed to aggression and Tskhinval that inherited from the Soviet period poor infrastructure and is for 16 years exposed to the Georgian aggression, blockade.
Further the senators asked a number of questions. It was obvious from the questions that they were “well” prepared by Tbilisi. For instance, they asked a question: “With whom was South Ossetia associated in 19th century”? Though, they did not need the answer. It was on their faces that they were not interested to know the opinion of the Ossetian side. They know the answers, just had to come. Senator MacCane had no doubts in the peaceful initiatives of Mikhail Saakashvili. He diplomatically noted that they were ignored by the Ossetian side that did not start the demilitarization process yet. Meanwhile, Georgia is arming with the help of the United States.
The Americans, with the in the world’s best technologies on information gathering, demonstrate reluctance to know the position of the Ossetian side and didn’t even bother to glance over it before coming here.
For 40 minutes even the Americans can not comprehend the situation, therefore, that was not planned. The Senators will report that they have visited the rebellious South Ossetia but without any results. There could be results but to achieve them it is necessary to respect the positions of all sides and come not for 40 minutes.
In one word, the Americans forgot how they were struggling for independence. The United States does not want to comprehend the position of South Ossetia.

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