сб, 25/11/2006 - 18:21

Today in the capital of the Republic of South Ossetia Tskhinval was hold inauguration of newly elected President of the Republic of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity. Eduard Kokity in the presence of the Chairman of the RSO Parliament Znaur Gassiev, Supreme judge of the RSO Irina Lalieva as well as head of the Alanian Eparchy Bishop George swore allegiance to the people of the Republic of South Ossetia on the constitution of the RSO. The solemn ceremony was hold at the state concert hall “Chermen”.
”I swear to respect rights and freedom of the state, protect the constitution, independence, security and territorial integrity, faithfully serve to the people”, - said Eduard Kokoity.
Chairman of the RSO Central Election Committee Bella Plieva handed over to Eduard Kokoity certificate of the President of the RSO.
The President was first congratulated by the elders and youth of the Republic. After that from the tribune spoke President of the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria Arsen Kanokov. In his speech he noted that, “people of South Ossetia demonstrated wisdom and solidarity. The Republic headed by the President will achieve its goal. On behalf of the government and parliament of Kabardino-Balkaria, on behalf of all the people heartily congratulate the Ossetian nation with the holiday. Our nations will continue developing social-economic, cultural and political ties”.
Arsen Kanokov presented Eduard Kokoity a painting with mountain scenery and transferred 1,000,000 rubles to the South Ossetian fund “Nadezhda”. In response the newly elected RSO President handed over to Arsen Kanokov national passport of the citizen of the Republic of South Ossetia.
A complementary speech was also made by the President of Karachaevo-Cherkesia Mustafa Badtiev. He particularly said: “On behalf of the people of Karachaevo-Cherkesia and government of the Republic heartily congratulate Ossetia with the results of the referendum and Presidential elections. We know that Eduard Jabeevich is respected not only in Ossetia, North Caucasus but in other subjects of the Russian Federation. The current choice of the Ossetian nation opens the future possibility for South Ossetia to join North Caucasian nations”. Mustafa Badtyev also received the RSO passport from Eduard Kokoity.
Further the floor was given to the Head of the RNO-Alania Timuraz Mamsurov, he said that, “Ossetians as well as other nations of Russia can win any war but then we can loose peace. I want us to use the results of the referendum correctly. Referendum on independence will lead people of Ossetia to their goal. I congratulate people of South Ossetia that announce to the whole world about their independence and president. We will build our future together”.
Head of the RNO-Alania handed over to Eduard Kokoity painting of a prominent Ossetian artist Yuri Dzantiev The painting is on struggle for independence.

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