чт, 25/01/2007 - 09:58

According to the reached arrangement between the heads of the South-Ossetian and the Georgian parts of JCC on January, 23rd, 2007 in Tskhinval it should take place the meeting, devoted to the questions of payment of the accounts receivable at a rate of more than 33 million roubles for the consumed electric power by the settlements of South Ossetia Republic mainly with the Georgian population, and also the supplying with an electric power from Georgia the ossetian villages of the Tskhinvalskiy and Leningorskiy areas. The representatives of the association «Power» of South Ossetia Republic and the power company «Bolshaya Liahva» and «Malaya Liakhva» should take part in the above-mentioned meeting, the representatives of OSCE, EU and JPKF have also been invited.
With the purpose so as to agree about the date of the forthcoming meeting the Georgian party has directed the deputy state minister on settlement of conflicts Ruslan Abashidze to South Ossetia,who has been accepted by the Co-chairman of JCC from the South-Ossetian part Boris Chochiev and by the secretary of JCC Leonid Tibilov.
However,subsequently it has been found out, that after a short conversation he went to the village Kurta, where he was met by the representatives-puppets of M.Saakashvili,headed by Sanakoev. In a telephone conversation with the state minister on settlement of conflicts of Georgia M.Antadze on this occasion , he has been stated a protest. In spite of the fact, that Mr. Abashidze as a member of JCC from the Georgian party uses the right of unobstructed movement on the zone of the conflict, henceforth he is forbidden the entrance on the territory of South Ossetia Republic. If the Georgian party in the form of such moves and voyages will not cease conducting a double game and continuing cooperation with the Kurta puppets, the South-Ossetian party reserves itself the right to make the corresponding statement for the international community, for the actions of the Georgian party are directed not on settlement, but on aggravation of the situation in the zone of the conflict and are radically different from the peace initiatives of the President of South Ossetia Republic E. Kokoyty, which earlier have repeatedly been sounded at the presence of the representatives of OSCE and Eurocommission.
We are assured the ambassadors of the countries of OSCE accredited in Georgia, that not seldom act with unreasonable charges in our address, will give the corresponding estimation to the actions of the Georgian authorities.

On January, 24th, 2007

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