вт, 30/01/2007 - 11:09

Georgia is interested in concealment of the information on the situation in the zone of the conflict from the international community, for it hopes to make secretly from all the world the next aggression against the peace nation of South Ossetia Republic. The South-Ossetian part of the Joint Control Commission on settlement of the georgian-ossetian conflict is once again compelled to declare, that the Georgian party has again aggravated the situation in the zone of the georgian-ossetian conflict.

In the night from January,27th for January,28th, 2007 from the territory of Georgia the diversive group of special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia has made an armed attack on the stationary post of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of South Ossetia Republic on the southern outskirts of Tskhinval in the zone of the conflict. The attacked have made an attempt of capture or physical destruction of the staff of the post,as a result of which the three employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of South Ossetia Republic have received wounds, two of them are in a grave condition. The attacked also have shelled the inhabited quarters of Tskhinval. The joint monitoring of the tripartite military observers of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces with the participation of the officers on monitoring of OSCE has established, that the attacked had special arms, and their traces lead to the territory of Georgia, which refers to the zone of the georgian-ossetian conflict and is controlled by the Georgian party.

Earlier, on January, 26th, 2007 at 13.05 the observant post of the Russian battalion of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces in the zone of the georgian-ossetian conflict (JPKF) \"Prisi\" has undergone shelling from the automatic weapon from the territory of Georgia.
Both of the attacks have been accomplished by the Georgian party on the background of an incessant anti-ossetian, anti-Russian and antipeace-making hysteria in conditions, when the President of South Ossetia Republic Eduard Kokoity, on the assumption of the feeling of responsibility before the people of the Caucasus and the whole Europe, has undertaken a number of important peace initiatives and peace-making steps, having reduced the numerical structure of the armed forces of South Ossetia Republic in 2005 on 50 percent, and in 2006 having expressed the readiness to reduce them on 30 percent in case of the consent of Georgia to sign the Memorandum of non-use of force and the threat of its application.

The South-Ossetian part of the Joint Control Commission considers its duty to remind, that it occurs in days when under the initiative of Georgia the south-ossetian party has been refused in the right to be invited to the session of the Parliamentary Assembly of European Council and to acquaint the national representatives of the European countries with the true situation in South Ossetia from the high tribune of this organization. It speaks, that Georgia is interested in concealment of the information on the situation in the zone of the conflict from the international community, for it hopes to make secretly from all the world the next aggression against the peace nation of South Ossetia Republic. The crimes of the special divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia taken place in these days, including the undermining of an armoured troop-carrier of the peace-making forces on January, 15th, 2007 on the territory of the zone of the conflict controllable by the Georgian party,the provocations at carrying out of the evacuation of the damaged armoured equipment and the subsequent minings of the route of following of the transport of the peacemakers which, much to our regret, have not found condemnation of the Georgian part of the Joint Control Commission, show the true misanthropic face of the Georgian management and its western patrons. The provocations of the last days occur not without the sanction of the supreme political management of Georgia.

The actions of the Georgian party aim at breaking the negotiating and peace-making processes,at dismantling of all the system of the before-signed agreements on settlement of the conflict and, having created conditions for the next armed intrusion into South Ossetia,making the attempt of annexation of the territory of the sovereign state. The Georgian delegation at the negotiations within the limits of JCC blocks the decision-making, and on one of these days has refused of carrying out of the offered by OSCE meeting of the parties of JCC in Yerevan.

The South-Ossetian part of JCC, remaining the adherent of the peace settlement of the conflict, addresses the parties of JCC and OSCE about carrying out in the nearest future of the plenary session of the Joint Control Commission on settlement of the georgian-ossetian conflict for the discussion of a circle of questions,that would promote an exit from the created crisis situation.

On January, 28th, 2007

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