пт, 09/02/2007 - 09:50

On February, 7th, 2007, the representatives of the city organization of the Progressive socialist party of Ukraine led by the vice-president of PSPU, the deputy of the three convocations Marchenko Vladimir Romanovich have led a vigil of the Georgian embassy. The action has passed under the slogans: « Georgia, hands off South Ossetia! », «Saakashvili, stop killing the Ossetians!»
«We have come here so that the embassy of Georgia should know that there are the political forces in Ukraine, which condemn the aggression of Georgia against South Ossetia. Abundantly clear, that the last shelling by the Georgians of the town Tskhinval is the roughest infringement both of the norms of international law, and the rights of citizens that live in Tskhinval to life.
Certainly, that should be condemned both by the world community and all those political forces, which consider, that the world should be kept on the principles of humanism, democracy, instead of shooting.
We were in Tskhinval, when there were the presidential elections, and we saw, that the people of South Ossetia wishes to live in peace. There are several periods in history, when the Georgian insurgents or the authorities of Georgia held some waves of genocide; certainly, they are in the memory of the south ossetians.
We are concerned of the destiny of South Ossetia because they are killed, they are shot at, and not only we, but the entire world is concerned of it.
This picket by slogans and position expresses the position of our party. We are not going to storm. We precisely express our attitude to that conflict, to that shooting, to those processes of suppression of democracy, which are carried out by the mode of Saakashvili. And we precisely know, that not the people of Georgia, but the proNATO mode of Saakashvili provokes and pushes the insurgents so that they shoot at the peace citizens of South Ossetia »,has declared V.Marchenko in his interview to the TV channel NTN.

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