The message of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Ossetia Republic

пн, 05/03/2007 - 09:19

On February, 28th, 2007 the representatives of the international nongovernmental organization «Saferworld»: Robert Parker, the director of the department of Europe, and Malgozhata Vasilevska, the senior coordinator of projects, engaged in security issues and the prevention of the illegal circulation of light and small arms, have made a visit to South Ossetia Republic. Within the limits of the visit took place the meeting of the representatives of «Saferworld» with the acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of South Ossetia Republic M.K.Dzhioev and the Head of the Apparatus of the Co-chairman of the South-Ossetian part of the Joint Control Commission on settlement of the georgian-ossetian conflict L.H.Tibilov. During the conversation took place the detailed exchange of opinions on the problematics of settlement of the georgian-ossetian conflict, the situation in the zone of the conflict, the prospects of the further promotion of the peace process, the role of the international organizations in strengthening safety and measures of trust, and also on questions concerning the economic rehabilitation of the zone of the conflict. M.Dzhioev has acquainted the visitors with the situation in settlement of relations between South Ossetia and Georgia. He, regretfully having noted the inability and the unwillingness of the Georgian management to conduct a constructive dialogue in the existing format, has again declared about the adherence of South Ossetia to an exclusively peace way of settlement of the georgian-ossetian conflict. The Minister has emphasized, that the prime tasks during the settlement are: the development of guarantees of safety and measures of trust, the economic restoration and rehabilitation, and only at the last stage is the discussion of the questions, connected with the political relations between Georgia and South Ossetia. The head of the Apparatus of the South-Ossetian part of JCC L.H.Tibilov from his part has informed on the situation in the negotiating process in a context of constant attempts of the Georgian party, directed at demolition of the existing quadrilateral negotiating mechanism. He has highly estimated the efforts of the international organizations; in particular of OSCE and the Euro commission on assistance in realization of the rehabilitation programs in the zone of the conflict and promoting the strengthening of mutual trust. L.Tibilov has also noticed, that in due time, at support of OSCE the project on weapon delivery was successfully carried out in the zone of the conflict, but the armed aggression by summer of 2004 has again aggravated the situation. The representatives of the organization «Safe world» have thanked for the conversation and have noted, that the organization is interested in the establishment of contacts in South Ossetia, both with the official structures, and with the population, for the work and analysis of the situation in the zone of the conflict. The representatives of the organization have also visited the office of Mission of OSCE in Tskhinval.

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