The Meeting in the Government of South Ossetia Republic

чт, 22/03/2007 - 12:52

The Chairman of the Government of South Ossetia Republic Juriy Morozov has held a meeting with the minister of transport, capital and road building of South Ossetia Republic Rudolf Tskhovrebov and with the representatives of the limited company "Vladikavkazstroy " Juriy Urtaev and Anatoliy Kumaritov.The questions on completion of the construction works at a number of objects of the republic and the preparation for rehabilitation works at new objects were considered at the meeting.The questions on completion of the construction works in the building of Gorgaz (where the special forces will move in the nearest future), in the building of Sovprof and in the stomatological polyclinic were also discussed. Much attention has been paid to the preparation for rehabilitation works in the building of the Republican boarding school. In the new building of the boarding school the rehabilitation works, that will be carried out by the forces of the international organizations, will begin from May, 1st.The management of the republic has made a decision on moving of the boarding school into the building of the special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of South Ossetia Republic. The special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in turn, will occupy the building of the boarding school.

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