The Advisory Meeting of JCC has come to the end

вс, 25/03/2007 - 18:16

The advisory meeting of the Joint Control Commission on settlement of the georgian-ossetian conflict has come to the end in Istanbul (Turkey).
In the course of the meeting took place the attempt of the Georgian side to impose the discussion of a certain unilateral plan of Georgia on the other participants. The co-chairman of JCC from the south-ossetian side Boris Chochiev has declared that each of the constantly varying Co-chairmen of JCC from the Georgian side comes with a certain «new program», not adequating to the earlier signed agreements. Thus it has become customary to them not only to criticize their predecessors, but also to refuse of those decisions, that have been taken earlier.
In the presence of the representatives of the international community Boris Chochiev has reminded, that in such cases there is a procedure of recalling of the signature of the state that stands under both these or that agreements and decisions.
As it is known, the president of South Ossetia Republic Edward Kokoyty repeatedly supported the cooperation of the law enforcement bodies of the parties in their struggle against criminality. This question was also discussed at the meeting in Istanbul. The Georgian side has agreed that it was necessary to renew the activity of the Joint coordination center of the law enforcement bodies. With this purpose the agreement on organization of the meeting of the Ministers of Internal Affairs of the independent states, the parties of JCC, is reached.
In the course of the discussion of the situation in the zone of the conflict the Georgian party has been compelled to recognize the validity of Boris Chochiev"s charge, that in infringement of the earlier signed agreements, i.e. illegally, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia has an illegal armed division 250 in number in the zone of the conflict, namely in the village Kurta, that have the unique purpose - to destabilize the situation in the zone of the conflict. In spite of the fact that the Georgian party has agreed with the validity of position of the south-ossetian party, it could not explain the illegal location of the earlier mentioned armed formation in the village Kurta.
B.Chochiev has also specified that the Georgian side roughly broke the earlier signed agreements on settlement of the conflict. In particular, the Georgian battalion of JPKF is removed from the structure of JPKF and subordinated to the Ministry of Defence of Georgia by the decree of the Minister of Defence of Georgia №24 from January, 23rd, 2004. And for all that the whole complex of the signed agreements within the limits of the process of settlement of the georgian-ossetian conflict has the status of international legal certificates, they are obligatory to execution irrespective of the positions of the internal legislation of the parties. Meanwhile, Georgia makes such destructive steps as preventing the peacemakers from execution of their duties, the detention of the peace-making transport, the murders, captures and tortures of the peacemakers, the illegal confiscation and the subsequent sale at auction of the motor car of JPKF, etc., that negatively reflects the activity of JPKF. « And in these conditions the Georgian side still dares to accuse the Russian side that the activity of JPKF is inefficient », B.Chochiev has emphasized.
B.Chochiev has sharply raised the question of protection of the rights of the ossetian population of Georgia. He has accused the Mission of OSCE in Georgia, and also the western countries, the embassies of which are accredited in Tbilisi in indifference to rough infringement of the rights of the ossetian children of the village Bolkvi, where the national school, in which the ossetian language was studied and the teaching was going mainly in Russian, has been closed. The children were offered to continue their education at the Georgian school of the village Areshperani in Georgian, which they do not understand. B.Chochiev has noted, that such actions of Georgia are not the exception, for such a practice exists in Georgia since the XXth century, when everywhere in Georgia the ossetian and the Russian schools were being closed and translated into Georgian. It is no wonder, that such cases takes place even at the beginning of the XXIst century. However surprises the position of the Mission of OSCE in Georgia (where there is the post of the officer on protection of the human rights) which, despite the numerous letters of the South-Ossetian part of JCC, has not officially reacted to flagrant violation of the children"s rights.
In the issue of the questions concerning "Miscellaneous", the delegation of Georgia has declared, that the law of Georgia on restitution was ostensibly not accepted, and that the south-ossetian party ostensibly could take part in its development. But it is not true. The Georgian party on behalf of the state minister of Georgia on settlement of conflicts, the Co-chairman of JCC from the Georgian side Merab Antadze and the other participants of the Georgian delegation did not know at all, that the given law of Georgia had already been accepted on December,26th,2006. They have learned about it only from the documents, presented by the south-ossetian party. That speaks of the degree of gravity of intention of the Georgian management really to observe the rights of the tens thousand ossetian refugees from Georgia. B.Chochiev has declared that Georgia does not only return, but still expels the ossetian population from Georgia, for the fascist ideology in relation to the ossetians is condemned by nobody in Georgia and is prospering.
Most likely, that the agreement on carrying out of the plenary session of JCC in Tbilisi will be reached.

The Information-analytical Department
Of the South-Ossetian Part of JCC

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