Eduard Kokoyty has accepted the head of the Tskhinval office of the Mission of OSCE in Georgia Bozhidar Dimitrov

ср, 16/05/2007 - 17:59

The President of South Ossetia Republic Eduard Kokoyty has accepted the head of the Tskhinval office of the Mission of OSCE in Georgia Bozhidar Dimitrov. During the conversation Eduard Kokoyty has expressed concern on saturation of the zone of the georgian-ossetian conflict with the Georgian armed formations. "The Georgian party", Eduard Kokoyty has told, "has simply changed the signboard and has placed all its force divisions under the command of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia; however it hasn"t become quieter from it in the zone of the conflict. And we, certainly, are not going to weaken our positions, for the Georgian party is not going to adhere to the earlier reached arrangements".
Continuing the theme of safety, Eduard Kokoyty has noted, that "the Georgian side has at their disposal the special weapon for silent shooting, by which the posts of the south-ossetian law enforcement bodies are fired, provoking them on a reciprocal fire, and then it turns out, that the ossetian side breaks the arrangement on cease-fire. It would be desirable to pay the attention of the Mission of OSCE to this circumstance".
Concerning the situation with blocking the sites of the roads, controllable by the Georgian side, Eduard Kokoyty has emphasized, that «the settlements that behave nonaggressively and make no provocations against the peace population, will not be blocked. As to the site of the Тrans-Caucasian main Kekhvi-Tamarasheni, then it will be closed until the false government of Sanakoev leaves these villages".
Further on the President of South Ossetia Republic has told, that confirms the earlier made offer on meeting with the president of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili for signing the memorandum on nonrenewal of the operations.
Bozhidar Dimitrov has expressed the readiness of the Mission of OSCE for a constructive dialogue and the joint decision of the arising problems.

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