The citizen of South Ossetia Republic was brutally beaten by the employees of the Georgian police

ср, 30/05/2007 - 09:08

In the night from May, 27th, for May, 28th, in the georgian-populated village Avnevi the two citizens of South Ossetia Republic, making their way on their own car from the ossetian village Mugut to the capital of South Ossetia Republic, Tskhinval, were stopped by the employees of the Georgian police. One of the citizens of South Ossetia Republic, Tamaz Bestaev, 25 years old, was brutally beaten, having received heavy physical injuries, brain concussion.
Tamaz Bestaev in unconsciousness was delivered to the republican somatic hospital of Tskhinval. Doctors estimate his condition as being extremely grave.
The correspondent of «Res» was informed about it at the press-service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of South Ossetia Republic.

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