Roy Riv: «The obligations, taken by the Euro commission before OSCE, are strict and do not consider reassessment»

чт, 05/07/2007 - 12:06

Today the working meeting of the co-chairman of JCC from the south-ossetian party Boris Chochiev with the head of the Mission of OSCE in Georgia Roy Riv took place in Tskhinval. As Boris Chochiev has informed us after completion of the meeting, an overall objective of visit of Roy Riv is the discussion of the developed situation in the zone of the conflict and the way out of it.
To his words, «Roy Riv has expressed concern in connection with the lately aggravated situation in the zone of the conflict and has supported the offer on holding an immediate meeting in the existing format of JCC». As it is known, all the parties, except for the Georgian, have supported the offer on holding a session of the Joint Control Commission.
Touching the discussed problems of water supply at the meeting, «Roy Riv has positively estimated the yesterday"s step of the south-ossetian side on opening the irrigation canals, having promised, that would convince the Georgian party, so that to hold a monitoring of the water sluice in the area of the village Kheiti».
«As to the information, that the Georgian TV channel "Imedi" has spread today concerning the refusal of the Euro commission in mastering the financial assets of the European donors (8,5 million euro), allocated on rehabilitation of South Ossetia, the zone of the georgian-ossetian conflict, Roy Riv has declared, that it is a disinformation, and has emphasized, that « those obligations, taken by the Euro commission before OSCE concerning realization and use of these means, are strict and do not consider reassessment», Chochiev has noted.

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