The Statement of the South-Ossetian part of JCC

пн, 13/08/2007 - 14:16

On August, 8th about 17:50pm from the post of the georgian police, located in the area of a dairy-commodity farm at a settlement Dvani, a shelling was conducted from a small arms and an automatic grenade cup discharge in the direction of a post of the peacekeeping forces from RNO-Alania «Mugut». The peace ossetian village Mugut has been simultaneously fired. During the shelling works on harvesting took place on the field and people were compelled to leave the combines and to find shelter in a safe place.
This incident is confirmed by the international monitoring group, consisting of military observers from the three parties of JPKF together with the officer of the mission of OSCE, that have recorded fresh craters of pomegranates AGS-17.
It is necessary to note, that with the equipment in May of the given illegal police post, the situation in this area has sharply destabilized. Such facts of infringements took place in May, June and July. The occurred incident is an obvious confirmation to it. The actions of the employees of the power structures of Georgia at the given illegal police post concerning the Joint Peacekeeping Forces have obviously a provocative character.
The South-Ossetian part of JCC is compelled to remind, that, on a background of the incessant economic blockade of the ossetian villages and the water blockade of Tskhinval, all the last week the georgian side has made active attacks and provocative actions against the peace inhabitants of South Ossetia: at the illegal post of the georgian police in the village Avnevi a great number of attacks of the georgian policemen on the peace inhabitants and the peace-makers are recorded by an international monitoring group. Last week here by the georgian policemen was beaten a peace inhabitant, who thereof has died. Then several mines have been laid in Tskhinval. After that the georgian aircraft has broken the air space of the zone of the conflict, that is recorded by the observers of JPKF, and has thrown a bomb in the zone of the conflict. The shelling of the peace inhabitants during the field works on the outskirts of the village Mugut and the post of the peace-making forces is the next link in this chain.
Thus the georgian management has headed for the intimidation of the ossetians, the creation of unbearable conditions of life for them so that to compel them to leave their native houses. And that is already one of the attributes of the policy of genocide.
The one more disturbing fact is the refusal of the georgian party to take part in the work of JPKF on gathering information on the fallen aviation ammunition on August, 6th, 2007. So, the georgian party on August, 10th has unilaterally refused to take part in a monitoring, which should take place on the route Tskhinval - Grom - Tsinagar - Monaster - Kvemo-Zakhor - Kvemo-Tsolda. It is an unprecedented case for the whole history JPKF. Such behaviour of the georgian party is nothing but a direct confirmation of its disinterest in the objective investigation of the incident.
The international community does not pay due attention to the policy of genocide, held by Georgia against the ossetian people. Despite the numerous addresses of the Republic of South Ossetia, the ambassadors of the western countries and also the management of OSCE on incomprehensible reasons do not react to the rough infringement of norms of international law, human rights and democratic freedoms of persons of ossetian nationality to a national attribute.
The silent support of the aggressive actions of Georgia, the refusal to recognize the independence of the Republic of South Ossetia lead to creation of the feeling of impunity of the georgian management and encourage it to escalation of intensity in the zone of the georgian-ossetian conflict.

On August, 10th, 2007

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