The repair brigades liquidate the illegal cuts

ср, 22/08/2007 - 16:53

The repair brigades liquidate the illegal cuts on the water-sluice Edis-Tskhinval.
An agreement, that the south-ossetian repair brigade would get an entry permit on the territory of the georgian-populated villages together with the georgian workers for carrying out of the repair works on the water-sluice, had been reached between the co-chairmen of JCC from the ossetian and the georgian sides Boris Chochiev and Dmitriy Mandzhavidze.
According to the chief of the housing and communal services of the administration of Tskhinval Dmitriy Dzhussoev, already today, though only part of the repair works is done, the water delivery to the town has increased.
«Since August, 14th we, with the representatives of the mission of OSCE and the peace-making forces, every morning left for the line of the water-sluice. I pointed at the illegal cuts that had been made by the population. The works on liquidation of the illegal cuts were carried out by the local (ossetian and georgian) brigades. During the first day of the works it has been liquidated 9 cuts, in the second day- 11cuts, and on the third day-nearby 7 cuts. The works will be continued before the full liquidation of all the illegal cuts. They should be completed this week. We shall hope, that the georgian side will keep its promises and will not allow to create lawlessness henceforth», Dmitriy Dzhussoev has noted.

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