The Joint Staff of JPKF : «The citizens of Georgia have been detained for illegal actions concerning the military men of the Peacemaking Forces of the Russian Federation»

пт, 14/09/2007 - 10:05

In the address of the command of JPKF has arrived a letter from September, 11th, 2007 for № 4-9/595 from the co-chairman of the georgian part of JCC D.Mandzhavidze on occasion of ostensibly illegal arrest of the two citizens of Georgia at the check point of the Peacemaking Forces from the Russian Federation «Megvrekisi» with the requirement of «immediate release of the arrested persons, indemnification of the caused damage and the decision on the termination of functioning of the post of the Peacemaking Forces of the Russian Federation «Megvrekisi»». It would be desirable to note, that the detention of the two citizens of Georgia has been made for illegal actions concerning the military men of the Peacemaking Forces of the Russian Federation, carrying out their task at a peace-making post «Megvrekisi». We remind, that the check point of the Peacemaking Forces from the Russian Federation «Megvrekisi» is, first of all, a check point but not an observant post. In conformity with the article 4 of the Appendix №1 to the decision of JCC from December, 6th, 1994 (Protocol №7) «The military contingents and military observers have the right: - to check the citizens" documents proving the identity, on entry permit, departure permit, movement, and also to make examination of the persons, cargoes and vehicles; - to detain the citizens, breaking the established rules of the mode of state emergency with the subsequent transfer to the law enforcement bodies on the basis of the current legislation». The Russian contingent of the Peacemaking Forces carries out, and will carry out henceforth, the assigned to it tasks in a strict conformity with the Mandate. The staff of the Peacemaking Forces from Georgia has been immediately notified on incident at the check point «Megvrekisi» , however because of the prolonged coordination of the question on appointment of a military observer from the georgian side, the departure of the group of monitoring has been essentially detained. In the letter in the address of the command of JPKF D.Mandzhavidze supposes a rough inaccuracy, pointing out the fact that the detention of the two citizens of Georgia has been made «by the military men of the Peacemaking Forces of the Russian Federation, a specially attached investigatory group, consisting of 20 persons». The Command of JPKF informs you, that there are no « specially attached investigatory groups » of a specified number that enter the structure of the Peacemaking Forces from the Russian Federation. At the same time it would be desirable to remind D.Mandzhavidze, that the question on removal of any post of the Peacemaking Forces can be considered only on the basis of the decision of JCC. During the work of the group of monitoring with the representatives of the Mission of OSCE on the given incident obscene expressions and threats sounded by the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia in the address of the Russian peacemakers, that is a rough insult of honour and dignity of any person, and especially of the officers, carrying out a peace-making mission in the zone of the conflict. The given fact cannot remain unpunished. The Command of JPKF pays attention, that the georgian side, instead of stating a legal estimation to the actions of the citizens of Georgia Midodashvili V.Y. and Khmiadashvili G.N., persistently tries to deform them.

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