The citizens of the Russian Federation have been detained at an illegally located post in the georgian-populated village of Avnevi

вт, 25/09/2007 - 11:27

In the georgian-populated village of Avnevi, controllable by the power structures of Georgia, at an illegally located post have been detained the citizens of the Russian Federation, the inhabitants of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic - Biosman Gizhgiev and Beslan Khaptsev. The correspondent of the agency «Res» have been informed about it at the press-service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia.
Biosman Gizhgiev and Beslan Khaptsev guested at their relatives in Znaur region of RSO. At detention the employees of the georgian law enforcement bodies have brought a charge against them on the illegal crossing of the border. At present the arrested persons are in the town of Gori.
As it is known, in the georgian-populated village of Avnevi, controllable by the power structures of Georgia, are located several illegal posts, including the one peace-making post from the georgian peace-making battalion, the location of which has not been coordinated neither with the staff of JPKF, nor with JCC.

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