The Message of the Joint Staff of JPKF

ср, 10/10/2007 - 14:21

In the course of holding a monitoring on October, 4th and on October, 5th, 2007 in 100 metres to the north-west of the observant post "Spider" on the road of the settlement of Eredvi - the settlement of Achabeti by the observers from the three parties with the representatives of the Mission of OSCE had been recorded the fact of placing of an illegal post of the police. The georgian side declares, that it is ostensibly caused by the necessity of guarding of the two bearing supports of a high-voltage line. Considering, that they are on a distance of 50-150 metres from the two observant posts of the Peacemaking Forces from the Russian Federation and Georgia of "Spider" and are visually looked through from there, it puts under doubt the given statement and, especially, the legality of placing the post of police in that place.
During the work of the monitoring the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia in every possible way interfered with the carrying out of their task, thus they broke the item №4 of the Provision about military contingents and the groups of military observers.
All this occurred at the same place, where in the course of a week works the group of sappers of the Ministry of Defence of Georgia, which was illegally in the zone of the conflict, thus the arrangements, accepted by the parties, are broken.
Thus I mark, that the request of the georgian side in the Joint Staff of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces about the necessity of carrying out of an engineering investigation of the district, in the area of the electric main under construction, did not arrive.
The deliberate concealment by the georgian side unilaterally of the activity of the power structures in the zone of the conflict, including the illegal one, causes not only mistrust between the parties, but also leads to aggravation of the situation.

The assistant of the commander of JPKF on work with mass-media, the lieutenant colonel Juriy Vereshchak.
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