The answer of the official representative of Russian FM M.L. Kamynin on the “Interfax” agency’s question pertaining to the peaceful initiatives of the President of South Ossetia E.D. Kokoity

чт, 31/01/2008 - 11:57

Question: On 23 of January at the “Interfax” agency was held the press-conference of the President of South Ossetia were he came out with a number of new initiatives within the context of the Georgian-Ossetian settlement. How this event estimates by the Russian MFA?

Answer: We entirely appreciate the statement of E.D. Kokoity. The matter is that the President of South Ossetia raised these proposals earlier and did not forged absolutely new ideas. The point is that South Osetian side in a new context showed its readiness to constructive steps toward peaceful conflict regulation, including direct negotiations conduction between the leaders of the sides on high political level. With all this the adherence to the key principle of three staged settlement is confirmed, what implies final political decisions through the trust building, demilitarization and economic rehabilitation of the conflict zone.
We consider it is a matter of vital importance to sign immediately by conflict sides the document obliging to refuse from application of force and the stand of Russia on this matter is well known. And realization of ideas stated by E.D. Kokoity pertaining to creation of the zone of major economic favour (including the territory of South Ossetia, Alagir region, RNO-Alania and Gori region, Georgia) regulation of contacts within the framework of parliamentary and religious organizations would be an important factor of trust building and mutual understanding between political, business and social groups of Georgia and South Ossetia. It would permit to formulate necessary social-economic and humanitarian bases for achieving of lasting settlement.
Thus we consider E.D. Kokoity’s proposals as rather well-timed good-will gesture showing Tskhinval’s aspiration towards resuming and enlarging of substantial political dialog with Tbilisi. We do believe that such a dialog would contribute to the peace building in the zone of conflict and hasten its final settlement. Russia as a mediator and a co-chairman of Joint Control Commission on Georgian-Ossetian conflict settlement is ready to assist in finding of mutual understanding and closing positions of Tbilisi and Tskhinvali and expect backing of OSCE and international community in this important matter.

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