The most probable version

пн, 04/02/2008 - 09:14

The situation with water supply to Tskhinval (the capital of RSO) becomes worse day by day. And the most curios thing is that the cause of the crisis has not found yet. Numerous monitoring were held with participation of peacekeepers and OSCE observers. The experts from Ossetian and Georgian sides examine the water pipe. The measures of water in the nearly one meter in diameter pipe are conducting in various places. But the reason is made public only like versions.
The City Hall of Tskhinval states that bulk of water responds the standards only to village Kemerty inhabited by Georgians (one of the enclaves controlled by Georgian power structures). Water flow is about 1200 cub. m. per hour. The measures made after at the Tskhinval water supply point clearly showed that the bulk of water reduced six points (214 cub. m. per hour). It is clear that water shortage is on this 9th km sector. However, after several inspections on this sector the experts didn’t find neither mechanic damages nor the holes which can influent on water supply. The paradox is that everyone agrees the reason of stoppage is at the spot, but nobody can find it. “Kurta administration” controlling the enclave insists the stoppage is due to the frost and low-quality jobbing of town reservoirs. Every negative event in Tskhinval is a chance for them to figure themselves as “saviours of nation”. Though their statements are not seriously accepted by anyone. And if the reason lies in town communications and that are come-at-able for Ossetian repairmen the reasons would be cleared up long ago. And if one scrutinizes the most probable version of finding the problem in the enclave inhabited by georgians then it is easy to dot one"s "i"s" and cross one"s "t"s". Recollecting the water crisis of last summer, when “Kurta favourits” speculated on this matter until recent times badgering inhabitants of the town and not allowing ossetian repair brigades to the place of damage, one can insist that they make use of such an effective sample again. To make a hole and hide it so as unaware people (monitoring group) could not find it is technically not difficult. And for the oblique confirmation of the fact that the crisis state is maintained from Kurta serves an incident happened on 29 January, when the water supply entirely stopped: Bojidar Dimitrov (Head of OSCE office in Tskhinval) got in touch with Kurta and after that water supply resumed, in the previous volume of 20%. The witnesses of this were the members of Tskhinval city hall. One could not suppose OSCE involvement in such a sordid game, but there are no other versions and the most probable version of the crisis is abovementioned.

Irina Kadjaeva, political scientist
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