Eduard Kokoity sent a letter of congratulation to RF Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on the occasion of the Day of diplomatic worker

вт, 12/02/2008 - 15:12

The President of the Republic of Sout6h Ossetia E. D. Kokoity sent a letter of congratulation to RF Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on the occasion of the Day of diplomatic worker.
It is particularly said in the telegram: “I am testifying my high consideration to You and have the honour to send You sincere compliments on the occasion of the Day of diplomatic worker of Russian Federation. The age-old history of Russian diplomacy brightly witnessing the grandeur of Russian Federation justly commemorate by outstanding achievements and peaceful victories. A great honour to be Russian diplomatist always meant a selfless allegiance to Fatherland, wide political views and competence, high professionalism.
A foreign policy department of Russian Federation maintaining the priority course of the national interests, firmly conduct a foreign policy tack determined by the President of Russia, second for strengthening of peace and consolidating of international relations system based on the priority of the international law and searching for mutually acceptable solutions.
In South Ossetia is highly appreciated the contribution of Russian diplomacy and Your personal sufficient participation in peaceful Georgian-Ossetian conflict settlement. We are sure that with the mediation of Russia who is the one and only guarantor of peace and security in the region we will find a way to conflict resolution on the bases of restoring historical justice, internationally recognized rights of peoples and existing realities, creation of stable security system and stability in Caucasian region.
Taking the opportunity I would like to congratulate You and diplomatic corps of Russia with professional holiday and wish You, dear Sergey Victorovich prosperity, health and success at Your responsible public service”.

RSO MFA Press-service.
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