Murat Djioev: «After Kosovo precedent we will be acting more resolutely striving for international recognition of our really existing state»

ср, 20/02/2008 - 16:54

The commentary of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia Murat Djioev to IA “Res” apropos of Kosovo’s independence declaration.

«On 17 of February eventuated declaration of independence of Kosovo and its subsequent recognition by a number of states. Thus precedent created of recognition of new states as well as a new approach to conflicts resolution. Considering inadmissible selective use of the principals and models in prejudice of democratic will of peoples in international practice, South Ossetia more than once stated Kosovo’s strive for independence is not precedent for it. Peoples of South Ossetia long before Kosovo proclaimed their statehood in accordance with international law and the then working legislation of USSR. However, the recognition of Kosovo must become a precedent for recognition of four unrecognized states at the post soviet space without fail, the more so since they has more legal and moral grounds for that»-said Murat Djioev.
«We formed our state during the collapse of USSR and protected our identity. Already for 17 years our people are strengthening our statehood, developing democratic political system, market economy, legislation, independent judiciary and civil society. At the referendums of 1992 and 2006 overwhelming majority of the population of South Ossetia supported independence. With the recognition of Kosovo independence new convincing evidence appeared indicating that conflicts resolution is based not only at the principle of territorial integrity. All the same the Republic of South Ossetia never violated territorial integrity of neighboring Georgia. Creation and legalization of the Republic of South Ossetia occurred before recognition of new Georgian state and its acceptance to UN in July 1992»-he mentioned.
«After Kosovo precedent we will be acting more resolutely, achieving of recognition of our really existing state. At the same time South Ossetia is calling for international mediators for co-operation and intensification of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict peaceful settlement process on the equal and fair bases»-added Minister.

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