Eduard Kokoity: «Rumors of Georgian customs checkpoint at the South Ossetia and Russia border - informational provocation»

ср, 27/02/2008 - 16:39

“Spreading by Georgia information of the treatment agreed with Russia on joint control over the South Ossetia and Russia border is an informational provocation”-stated the President of the Republic of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity. “These rumors can not be explained in other way. Establishment of customs checkpoint by Georgia at our territory is senseless. South Ossetia is a sovereign State and a similar scenario is unacceptable for the simple reason that the Ossetians are following their once chosen political course. South Ossetia being in the state of unsettled conflict will definitely not allow having its boundaries controlled by that country. As long as there is one man alive on South Ossetia land citizens of Georgia can cross our border only as tourists as it is between two neighbour civilized States”- Eduard Kokoity noted.

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