The commentary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia

пт, 07/03/2008 - 13:46

Regarding the statement of Georgian side of withdrawal from the existing negotiation process format on Georgian-Ossetian conflict settlement

As it has become known Tbilisi made a decision of withdrawal of Georgian side from the existing negotiation process format on Georgian-Ossetian conflict settlement what was particularly stated on 4 March this year by the Georgian State Minister on Reintegration m-r Yacobashvili. For the condition for resuming talks he stipulated revision of Joint Control Commission format and entering EU and so called “interim administration of South Ossetia” representatives in.
This is another attempt of official Tbilisi to denounce signed by Georgian government in 1992 international Dagomys treaties to undermine legally assigned international guarantees and bases for Joint Control Commission activities and fulfillment of peacekeeping operations in the Georgian-Ossetian conflict zone.
It is obvious the intention of present Georgian authorities to demolish existing negotiation mechanisms and to wrap the peacekeeping operation what they display last few years caused the abolishment of State Minister for Conflict Settlement post and establishment of some State structure for so called Reintegration of Georgia. However, as it was stated before, the South Ossetian side is not going to interact with it.
Such actions of the Georgian side accompanied by systematic violation of achieved agreements and commitments, as well as undisguised impeding of JCC work have already led to the rapture of negotiation process on Georgian-Ossetian settlement and deteriorated significantly Georgian-Ossetian relations.
The situation is exacerbated by the refusal of Georgian side to sign unambiguous commitments of non-use of force means for conflict settlement, continuation of the State terrorism policy towards South Ossetia and extra persistence in attempts to enter Dmitry Sanakoev’s clique in negotiation process for show legality to the project.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of RSO considers the destructive position of the Georgian side as an obvious disability of Tbilisi to constructive dialog, disguised by demagogic argumentations of the need of negotiation format revision in connection with some “new realities” appearance.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs draw attention of the parties of formal negotiation process,
OSCE and other authoritative international organizations interested in peaceful and fair Georgian-Ossetian conflict resolution to pressing necessity of proper estimation of Georgian side position.
The South Ossetian side insists on sufficiency of internationally approved existing negotiation format as soon as the effectiveness of talks in any format depends on political will of the parties while achieving agreements and their ability fulfill the commitments.

Tskhinval, 4 March 2008.
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