Andrey Bitarov: “God grant us wise friends and foolish foes”

вт, 11/03/2008 - 17:47

It seems that the main problem of Dmitry and Vladimir Sanakoev and brothers Karkusov is they have never read books in their childhood. Otherwise they would certainly remember wise admonitions of Cheshire Cat from “Alice in wonderland”. As everybody knows he more than once warned Alice: “My girl,-he said,-never say words which meaning you do not understand. And never repeat nonsense heard from others”.
As it is known KGB and MIA of RSO on 6 March conducted investigation actions resulted in detention of a number of inhabitants of Djava region, South Ossetia.
As it is said in official statement of RSO KGB press-bureau: “In the course of examination of dwellings were seized automatic weapons, grenade launchers, ammunition, radio stations, diverse special equipment and made in Turkey dry rations used by NATO and Georgia armies”.
The reaction of so called “temporal administration” representatives to the actions and statements of law enforcement organs of the Republic of South Ossetia showed by biased TV channel “Rustavi-2” on 7 March this year was magnificent in its inadequacy. Djemal Karkusov once again has demonstrated familiar to population of both South Ossetia and Georgia total ignorance of such terms like “law” and “right”, and his “patron”-Dmitry Sanakoev, on the contrary, was radiant with in-depth understanding of political nonsenses, printed at the pages of “Free (from moral and law) Georgia”.
Djemal Karkusov, who is wanted for state crimes (parricide), a person, at the conscience of whom lays murders of Georgians in Gori and Tamarasheni in peaceful time, popularly explained to population of Georgia that availability of automatic weapons, grenade launchers, means of communication and electric fuses at his cronies is a normal occurrence.
By this Karkusov confirmed that all detainees are his supporters and he was aware of fire arms availability at them and last, but not least, he has confirmed his ignorance of law, for illegal keeping of fire arms consider according to article 222 of the Criminal Code of Russian Federation as criminal offence and is punished by sentence from 3 to 6 years.
As concerns the second part of his appearance, it should be presented to OSCE Chairman-in-office and international community as a proof of the fact that namely Djemal Karkusov and so called “alternative structures” in concert with special services of Georgia are backing terrorist actions committed in South Ossetia last two years.
Pronounced by D. Karkusov threats of physical elimination towards RSO authorities and law-enforcement organs once more acknowledge that Sanakoev and his supporters not only actively used by Georgian special services but are involved in the organization of terrorist actions at the territory of South Ossetiaas well. At their consciousness lays not only hundreds of thousands betrayed by them Ossetians but also dozens killed and wounded.
The most important value of Sanakoev and Karkusov televised address is contained in following. After the ultimatum of I. Yakobashvili apropos of necessity of entering to JCC “minions”, Russia, Western countries and South Ossetia get an unimpeachable grounds to refuse cardinally from any contacts with Sanakoevs and Karkusovs once and for all, and these grounds are perfectly fit in present western political paradigm. As it is known, no one is holding talks with people who support terrorist struggle. Moreover, an increased level of terrorist threat may urge RSO and RF authorities provide security of RSO citizens and citizens of RF, located in South Ossetia more toughly. As oriental proverb says:“God grunt us wise friends and foolish foes”.

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