Announcement for press concerning the results of summit of the Presidents of Republic of Abkhazia, Transdnistria and the Republic of South Ossetia

чт, 13/03/2008 - 13:32

On 12 of March in Moscow a working meeting of the Presidents of republic of Abkhazia, Transdnistrian Moldovan Republic and the Republic of South Ossetia was held. In the course of meeting was discussed a wide range of questions pertaining to the alteration of international situation, first of all within the context of recognition by a number of states of former Serbian autonomy – Kosovo and Metokhia. The Presidents of Abkhazia, Transdnistria and South Ossetia agreed that recognition of Kosovo begins new stage in international relations and in development of modern international law.
The participants of the meeting mentioned an invariance of the Republic Abkhazia, Transdnistrian Moldovan Republic and the Republic of South Ossetia course to recognition of independence, for which Abkhazia, Transdnistria and South Ossetia have all legal, historical, political and moral preconditions.
The Presidents of the Republic of Abkhazia, Transdnistrian Moldovan Republic and the Republic of South Ossetia noted that recognition of independence is an essential step fixing the end of the dissolution of former Soviet Union and equitable conflicts settlement.
The parties discussed the problems of Georgian-Abkhaz, Moldovan-Transdnistrian and Georgian-Ossetian settlement. In the course of proper exchange of opinions the similarity of Georgian and Moldovan approaches was noted: under the guise of so called «peaceful initiatives» Tbilisi and Kishinev are enhancing military, political, economic and information pressure, aimed at resolution of the conflicts by force.
The sides agreed to continue regular interaction at the level of authorized organs for mutual resistance to increasing challenges and threats as well as for timely measures acceptance.
Abkhazia, Transdnistria and South Ossetia come out with real proposals on peaceful resolution of all increasing contradictions with Moldova and Georgia and the prompt signing of obliging to non-use of force and de-escalation of tension agreements as well as their strict implementation by the sides of the conflict.
During the meeting special attention was paid to the relations of the Republic of Abkhazia, Transdnistrian Moldovan Republic and the Republic of South Ossetia with Russian Federation and the perspectives of realization of ideas, submitted in the common appeals of the heads of member states of Community «For democracy and peoples rights» to Russian government. The parties noted the necessity of increasing to more high level the dialog with Russian Federation in different spheres. The participants expressed a belief that the developed situation gives new impulse for the development of comprehensive multilevel cooperation with Russia in solution of practical questions increasing in everyday life of republics. The Presidents of Abkhazia, Transdnistria and South Ossetia were vocal regarding the necessity of bending mutual efforts in strengthening constructive interaction with Russia. The Presidents of the Republic of Abkhazia, Transdistrian Moldovan Republic and the Republic of South Ossetia discussed questions pertaining to the activity of institutions of «For democracy and peoples rights» and highlighted the necessity of continuing of mutual labour on wide spectrum of questions within the framework of Community including practical realization of agreements signed earlier and following development of its legal bases.
The Heads of states agreed to continue regular contacts and consultations on all questions connected with the future of Abkhazia, Transdnistria and South Ossetia.

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