Mikhail Mindzaev: “Koliev and Doguzov became victims of the Georgian State terrorism policy”

пн, 24/03/2008 - 14:29

“Inal Koliev and Vladislav Doguzov became victims of Georgian State terrorism policy”-stated to journalists the Minister of Internal Affairs of RSO Mikail Mindzaev while commenting committed today at Okona village terrorism act.
“As I numerously stated earlier Georgian special services stop at nothing, and last events in the zone of Georgian-Ossetian conflict are visual proofs to this. We have had operative information that provocative actions of Georgian side would be continued. We are undertaking preventive measures to not allow escalation of tension. Unfortunately, the lawlessness of Georgian special services has no any limits. Today they declared war to peacekeeping forces.
And while Russian Federation State Duma takes cautious declarations upon South Ossetia, Abkhazia and Transdnistria, Russian citizens are maimed and killed here. Only within last three months this is already the sixth terrorist action. No doubt, we are bending every effort to cope this, but nonetheless it is rather difficult to hold out alone against Georgia, which military budget is the most considerable at the Caucasus.
Presently extra security measures are being taken and MIA increases interaction with other power enforcement structures”-said Mindzaev.
For ascertainment of details of the incident at South Ossetia Okona village the investigation group of RSO MIA and JPKF representatives is working at the spot.

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