Statement оf the Ministry оf Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia

пн, 24/03/2008 - 18:03

In connection with the terrorist action committed on 23 March 2008 at the territory of the Republic of South Ossetia

On the 23 March 2008 in the neighboring to Georgia Znaur district of the Republic of South Ossetia was committed another terrorist action. An explosive device went off in the vehicle with RNO-Alania peacekeeping battalion serviceman Vladiclav Doguzov and RSO KGB member Inal Koliev. Both have been badly wounded. The law enforcement organs of South Ossetia have more than enough proofs of Georgian involvement in the terrorist action commitment. It is worth noting I. Koliev, earlier ingratiated into the Georgian MIA structure, and in August 2007 provided information to journalists about the terrorist acts on South Ossetia’s territory preplanned by the Georgian special services.
It is obvious Georgian side while systematically aggravating the situation in the conflict zone by diversion and terrorist acts and purposefully tightening tension in the Georgian-Ossetian relations, is trying to draw South Ossetia in new armed confrontation.
In this regard is rather surprising the absence of appropriate reaction from the side of democratic institutions and the international community structures declaring their interest in peaceful Georgian-Ossetian conflict settlement and to continuing State terrorism policy conducting by Georgian side towards South Ossetia.
A tendentious stand of OSCE Mission to Georgia, not supposing an impartial estimation of last developments and appropriate reaction on gross infractions and provocations of Georgian side seems absolutely inadmissible in this situation. Such stand of OSCE, which is an official and competent participant of Georgian-Ossetian settlement, rouses well-grounded doubts of efficacy of this organization participation in the real and just Georgian-Ossetian conflict settlement.

24 March 2008
Мой мир