JPKF: «It is a fourth act of terrorism in the row this wear with the application of explosives»

пт, 28/03/2008 - 17:09

On 27. 03. 08 at 20:50 JPKF Military Observers together with the OSCE Mission representatives conducted monitoring to check up the information received of the explosion of motorcar at Tskhinval downtown. This was informed to «Res» correspondent by the assistant of the Commander of Joint Peacekeeping Forces in the zone of Georgian-Ossetian conflict Captain Vladimir Ivanov. «During the monitoring it was ascertained that in the result of explosion of unknown explosive device under the floor of the vehicle belonging to the RSO Prosecutor General’s Office the citizen of South Ossetia died and the driver was badly wounded. It is worth noting that this is a fourth act of terrorism this year with the application of explosives which led to unjustified victims among the civil population»-said Ivanov.
According to him «JPKF Headquarters considers these facts rough infraction of existing agreements what artificially destabilizes the situation in the zone of Georgian-Ossetian conflict».

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